
Tuesday, 10 April 2012

The Importance of Scale

Finishing my baby quilt (Kool Kats). Decided after all to stipple it ...went ahead and did about half of it the other day only to discover that I stippled far too close together. The loose scale I used was about 1/2 inch and everything seemed to be going fine but after a while I was getting smaller and smaller (probably because I was really wanting to finish this in a hurry so I did not check much). When I finally had a good look at it, I did not like it at all. While I could have lived with the inconsistency of the stipple I obviously did not put much thought into what sort of 'feel' I wanted. Looking at it, I definitely knew that I wanted something much softer...hence a scale of about 1 inch would have been much better.

To unpick or not...? Well, decided to unpick this and start again, otherwise this would likely bother me for weeks to come. Also just heard that I am to become a Great Aunt ...perfect! Pressie already in the making and the 'mum-to-be' is a cat lover...this was meant to be.

Took me about 3 hours today to finish the entire quilt


 A bit hard to see. Sorry, photography is not my thing. I used light green Aurifil 50/2 thread and aimed for a stipple about 1" apart...I reckon I managed about 3/4" on average (the white feature square is 4").  Overall, I am happy with this. Now for the binding and then it is finished. Feel very productive today.


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