
Friday, 20 April 2012

Liebster Blog Award

Teresa from Hummingbird Hollow Quilts presented me with the Liebster Blog Award yesterday. This was a thrill and a half, to say the least, and definitely made my day. Thank you very much Teresa...very much appreciated.
The Liebster Award (German for favourite) is for bloggers with 200 followers or less. As a recipient of the award, you have the chance to thank and link back to the blogger who gave it to you as well as pass it along to five other deserving blogs.

Not entirely sure where this originated but I have seen it before and wondered what this was about.  I am new to blogging having only started at the beginning of the year. The reason for this blog was to firstly, document the trials and tribulations of my quilting journey and secondly, to participate in Leah Day's FMQ Wednesday Quilt Along. I am slowly getting the hang of this and must say that I am discovering new things all the time. In fact, there is so much out there of which I was not aware of at all...Anyway, let's get to the point of it all:
The Liebster Conventions says that :
1. Thank your award presenter on your blogblog and link back to him/her (check)
    2. Copy and paste the award to your blog (double check)
    3. Present the Liebster Award to 5 blogs that you think deserve to be recognized (see below)
    4. Let them know by leaving a comment on their blog (will do)
    5. Have faith that your follower will spread the love too !

I have chosen the following blogs for the award:
Pauline at

Have a great day



  1. Oh wow!!
    Thank you so much Karin.
    Your blog is really lovely ♥ ♥
    I will most certainly link back to you on my blog and also join in with spreading and sharing some blog ♥ love.
    Kind regards

    1. Yes, no worries...really liked your blog when I saw it the other day.

  2. Congrats on the Liebster Blog Award! Just found your blog on New Quilt Blog Linky Party! Love looking at your posts. I think I'm your newest follower! Hope you enjoy my blog as well. Nice to meet you!

    1. Thanks...I will enjoy looking at your blog...became a follower the other day.

  3. What a wonderful start to my day thank you so much Karin. I enjoy reading your blog and will share your link for others to enjoy it also. Thanks again Cheers Pauline

  4. Congratulations Karin!
    And Thank you for recognizing me. Its just so wonderful to get support from other bloggers :-).


    1. Thanks Malini...your blog is lovely. Agree the quilting community on the net is very supportive and there is a good feeling going around of joint learning and sharing.

  5. Congratulations to you and THANK YOU, THANK YOU for thinking of me!

  6. No worries...thought you might like it.


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