
Tuesday, 15 May 2012


Finished my practice quilt top that I will use for Leah Day's Quilt Along Wednesdays. Actually quite like the simplicity of this. Not sure about the inner pieced border though, a bit on the busy side...mind you, used up most of those Fat Quarters so I am quite pleased with myself.  Now I only have to find some backing (out of my stash, of course) and then do some stitching-in-the ditch along the sashing and I am done...

Bought some Polyester batting as I quite liked the way that quilted when I tried this on the little wholecloth quilt. Have not decided on thread yet...

Looking forward to filling this up with all sorts of FMQ designs. Once the squares are filled up, I still can play around in the sashing and borders. The outer border is 4 inches, this should be enough for a simple continuous border design...this should be fun.

Apart from this I have been working on my 'Arrangement of Small Pieces' project, however I am already looking around for other things to do (I get easily bored) and will probably continue on a table runner that I started a while back. This will be the second time that I am doing this table runner (gave it away as a present to a friend)...really liked the intensity of the colours, enjoyed doing it and love working with templates. Also lends itself for some microstippling and motifs in the background.

This is (close to) what it will look like...

Until next time



  1. Love the colors of the practice quilt. Your runner looks very complicated! Isn't nice to work on a few projects at once? Always something fun to do!

  2. Yes, agree...I always have several things on the go, sometimes to the stage where I completely overwhelm myself; then finish off one by one and then start the whole cycle again.

  3. That 'practice quilt' is so nice!!!! Will have so much added dimension to it with the QAL FMQ. The colors are the ocean/sky colors I love;-D

  4. Yes, thanks...I am looking forward to this.


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