
Tuesday 19 June 2012

Quilt Along #18

This week we are doing Loopy Lines in the Quilt Along Wednesdays with Leah Day.  Fun, fun, and more fun. My brain definitely can cope much better with loops...

Here is my practice run (had to photograph the back as the front is too hard to see).

No problems at all with this...very relaxing design, so I went straight for my practice quilt of simple squares and quilted away. Could not resist with all those empty squares around me and continued to fill another square with Sharp Stippling. This looks great and I am very happy with my efforts.

Looking at the close-up you may see that I ruled 1 inch lines roughly across the square to give me some sense of direction because I discovered that the design looks way better if you spread it over two lines and loop up and down. If you look closely you can see that I reverted back to just doing one line of loops in the second row and it then does look somewhat disjointed (that is how I used to do it and always wondered why it looked somewhat strange). I like the look of this.

Apart from this I have been working on my table runner (still quilting-in-the ditch) and, I think you call this, 'lurking' around other blogs. I spend quite some time at the Free Motion Quilt Challenge at Insights from SewCalGal. This is a fantastic blog and I practiced some feathers that were presented in an informative tutorial by Diane Gaudynski in February and also had a bit of a try out of some of the ideas presented by Cindy Needham in this month's tutorial.  Would love to participate, however I am almost working full-time and there is not a lot of time left to work on the projects I have currently going let alone taking on additional ones.

There is just so much inspiration out there and great opportunities to participate and learn together. For myself, I will just have to keep it small and contained otherwise it will become a chore in itself. So, with this in mind , I just 'played' around, tried a few new designs, experimented with some thread and just doodled away on some fabric...this was really relaxing and thoroughly enjoyable. Promised myself to do this more often.

Until next time



  1. I love your Loopy Lines. I am doing the FMQ Challenge at SewCal Gal but lurking at Leah Day's Quilt Along. Somewhat the opposite of you! There just isn't enough time to do everything. I just do what I can. It's so fun and a great way to learn something new.

  2. Yes agree...I have picked up so many little tips and am constantly amazed at the talent out there.

  3. It looks great! Loving the loops!

  4. I agree, time is so limited to enjoy all the limitless learning and creation experiences available. You seem to be getting the most out of the time you've got, which is the important part, and your blocks look great!

  5. Your FMQ table runner looks great!I know what you mean about time. I let the house work go last weekend in favor of getting some sewing done. I will pay for that this weekend. Keep up the good work, you are really doing great!

  6. Great job! It looks lovely, as does the sharp stippling.

  7. I'm impressed! It is looking good!

    1. I saw your reaction on my blog, how did she do it; well, I bought a pattern from Be Colourful (Jacqueline de Jonge)called Surprisingly Red and went for it.

    2. Like I's beautiful


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