
Friday 29 June 2012

Quilt Along #19

Well, I was not going to make the wonky block quilt because I have too much going on, but yesterday I watched Leah Day's video  on the wonky quilt construction and ...surprise, surprise, I am sucked in. I really like the idea of the Zentangle design over the entire quilt and am itching to try that and I  have just the fabric to go with that instead of going wonky I will produce something that is irregular. I know we were supposed to use something more of a solid nature but...I think this could work. Yep, it's too late, I am fixated on the idea.

This morning I pulled out some very special fabric. How gorgeous is this?

This is 'Under the Australian Sun' by Leesa Chandler for Robert Kaufman. I got this at the Melbourne Quilt Show last year and it has been sitting on the shelf ever since. Every now and then I take it out and look at it but I have not been able to bring myself to cut into it.... the gum leave design is fairly big and cutting into it you would loose the design of it I have been waiting for that great idea to pop up.

I have about 12 fat eights (mostly tone-on-tone) and I am going to use some of the fat eights as panels (probably with a few squares of the busy design thrown in) so that I can showcase the fabric. I have enough tone-on-tone fabric in different colours of the same material which should allow me to piece something together fairly quickly. I think it should come to a crib size quilt or worst case scenario...a wall hanging. Planning a bit loose here, but that is half the fun...let's see where this takes me.

This will put a spanner in the works on finishing the current projects however I just cannot help myself...this was just the idea I needed for this fabric. Let's see whether this works.

In terms of unfinished business I currently have 'only' (ha, ha...not including the already existing UFOs) in  progress

Table runner - almost done the stitching-in-the-ditch
Practice quilt - ongoing, using this to try different FMQ designs
An arrangement of small pieces - has been on hold, as I am having too much fun with the FMQ



  1. I am anxious to see the end result. The fabrics look wonderful.

  2. Yes, this should be interesting. I am planning to use a lightgreen thread to do the doodle over the quilt...may not be that visible, however it will still end up with a good texture, I think. Keen to try this as it seems such an efficient way to finish a quilt.

  3. I just love your fabrics! Can't wait to see how they look when you're done! FMQ is so much fun!!

  4. Your fabric is gorgeous! I love it and to cut into it would be hard for me too. It will be beautiful with this wonky idea.

  5. Will be fun to see how this turns out!


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