
Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Quilt Along #29 - hearts

This week on Leah Day's Quilt Along Wednesdays Leah showed us how to combine hearts (you can use any other shape you might like) with the 5 designs that we have been learning so far: Stippling, Zippling, Circuit Board, Loopy Lines and Sharp Stippling.

If you are wanting to improve your FMQ I highly recommend this Quilt Along. I am really noticing the improvement in my FMQ skill level compared to the beginning of the year. I can now sit down (even after a little break) and just go for it...I am far less concerned about imperfections and seem to have developed my own little rhythm that produces stitches that are on the whole pretty decent.

Here is my practice piece:

This is good fun
Close up

Using other shapes

The star is commonly used with the loops. Every time I do this, I have to stop and think which way to approach it, otherwise I get it wrong...very effective though and such a great playful design. I like the little leafy design...saw something like that in one of my quilting books and it seems to flow for me for some reason. That design seems to look good no matter how wonky you make the leaves and the veins really set it off. I wonder what else I could combine this with. Ran out of thread so I stopped here and continued on my UFO.

No questions...can't wait for the next design.

Until next time



  1. Nicely done! My favorite is the hearts with the sharp stippling on this one! I like the loops with hearts too. It reminds me of heart shaped balloons:)

  2. Lovely Job Karin, I really like the clover leaves they do jump out and grab your attention!

  3. I love your designs with sharp stippling and loop de loop flowers & stars. These are my favorites.

  4. Das sieht so toll aus, Karin! Mir ging es genauso, ich habe ein paar Wochen kein FMQ mehr gemacht und am Anfang war es etwas holprig, aber nach ein paar Kurven hatte ich den Dreh wieder raus! Ist schon fast wie Fahradfahren :)

  5. Ja, das ist ein guter Vergleich. Ich muss sagen das ich unheimlich viel gelernt habe in den letzten paar Monaten. Uebrigenz...habe mir deine kleine Welt angeguckt. Die Tasche ist ja ganz grosse Klasse...hast du dir das selbst ausgedacht?

  6. Ein Teil des Spaßes dieser Website lernt zusammen mit Menschen aus der ganzen Welt. Ich hoffe, das ist richtig Deutsch, benutzte ich Google Translate.

  7. Hi Joni....Yes, agree, hearing about how other people tackle some of those pesky
    FMQ issues has been really beneficial. And also seeing the progress made. It really has helped me to stay a bit more realistic about my own skill level. By the way, you do not have to write in German, although it was nice.
    Greetings from Down Under


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