
Sunday 30 September 2012

UFO Sunday #6

In clean-up mode. The English Paper piecing project is finally finished. Cannot believe it!

Last photo, I promise...
19.5" x 34"

I then set about to make some labels on the computer. I am about 3 quilts behind in labels, so this took a while. Unfortunately I cannot show any completed labels as we have run out of one colour for the printer, so I will have to wait to print the labels out on fabric. Never mind, I felt pleased with my efforts.  This will enable me to finally send off my baby quilt to Germany...this has been long overdue and as I just heard the baby has arrived a little bit earlier than expected.

Apart from this I started cleaning up my EQ 7 program...I have hundred of quilt ideas on there and I decided that this is probably another one of those barriers in actually progressing with anything. At the moment I have about three different ideas in my head and struggle to decide what to actually begin with. So, I started to delete those quilts that will definitely never be made, categorised some others, and deleted a great many blocks in individual sections that I did not need anymore. Not finished as yet, but I am getting there. This has also been long overdue...

And finally, continued on my other table runner. As I have made this table runner before I am quite bored with it, so I decided to just finish it off with some simple outline quilting...I think the design is dramatic enough and any more fancy quilting would go under in it. Will include some FMQ in the inner border and maybe also in the outer border.

 Apart from this I have been doodling. Got obsessed with trying to master a swirly design with hooks. So for the last week I have been doodling this shape in meetings and on the phone, in the evenings...quite funny really. Definitely got it now...very happy with this as this design has eluded me for a while. Not so much the shape itself but the continuation of it and filling a whole area with it from left to right and back again. I can now do it in my sleep and have stitched it onto my practice quilt with no hassle at all.

Will be linking up with UFO Sunday on Leah Day's Freemotion Quilting Project a bit later on.
Until next time



  1. Yay It is done! I love the second table runner! Such interesting piecing! I like to spend/waste time on the computer too when I'm not sure what to do next!

    1. Yes, my favourite star...always looks very dramatic.

  2. Love the quilting in both of these. I think you were right to not overdo it on the table runner.

    1.'s hard to decide sometimes what requires what. Sometimes I also overthink things and subsequently take ages to decide...but yes, this one worked out great.


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