
Monday 28 January 2013

UFO Sunday- An Arrangement of Small Pieces

I have a few UFOs left over from last year.

UFO Sundays on the Free Motion Quilting ProjectInstead of working on them I dragged out some blocks that had ended up in the UFO block pile and decided to sew them up. I started on these blocks early last year, having visions of making a bed sized quilt out of them.  I  experimented with the block in terms of its construction as I did not want to foundation piece it and made a few trial versions of the block...not exactly sure what happened next, but I think I decided the fabric was just not right, at least not for a whole quilt.

I love this block. It is called 'An Arrangement of Small Pieces'  and traces back to the The Kansas City Star (1928-1960). Such an unassuming little block that offers so many possibilities. I still have an idea for a quilt in my head (and on EQ7) but have not yet found the fabric for it.  I think this will be a case of  knowing it is the right fabric when I see it. Have a look  at the tutorial I wrote last year if you want to have a bit of a look on how to make this block.

I thought that the blocks, while not strictly matching in colour arrangement, could look nice together on a white background to make into a table runner. That way, they are not forgotten in that pile and I can use this to practice my FMQ in the border...I am thinking feathers all around to soften the strong geometric look.

This is how far I got in just a few hours ...ready to baste! (might have to have a look at my other blocks in the UFO block pile ...there are probably a few small projects in there). Table runners are such excellent practice pieces for FMQ.

Apologies re photo... This could be better. Somehow I just could not get a better shot and the white fabric on a white background made it look a bit "bla" (so I edited the grey surround in).

Linking up to Leah Day's UFO Sunday on the Freemotion Quilting Project.

Until next time



  1. These are great blocks. I agree with you that they look good together like this, and feathers or some kind of curves will balance out the blocks. Thanks for the tutorial. I will check that out; this is a really attractive block.

  2. One of those things, I reckon...either you love this block on first sight or it doesn't do anything for you. Not sure what attracted me but probably the possibilities and it's very odd name. I thought it would be fun to make a quilt with this and name it 'an arrangement of small pieces' as this is exactly what a quilt top is.


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