
Wednesday 23 January 2013

WIP #1- The Colour Adventure

WIP #1:

Late last week: Making good progress. Blocks are finished and ready to sewn together:

I was unsure whether to leave the paper in when I was sewing it together, however trialling this I found that this was too tricky in terms of getting the points to meet. So, I took part of the paper out as I went along. This worked fine, however, steep learning curve here...I should have secured my thread when sewing on the lines of the foundation and actually also used a smaller stitch length (I used stitch length 2, I think I should have done 1.5).

So, removing the paper was like walking on egg shells...I had to be super careful not to rip my stiches out. Had some very tense moments there, but got through it. Must say, I do not like working with paper foundations and have found a new sense of admiration for people who piece entire bed quilts like this. On a positive note, the pressing of the seams was not nearly as difficult as I originally thought.

Well, this is how far I got this week...Funny, I thought I had it all planned out in terms of what this was going to look like,  but then things change. Overall I was not a 100% happy with it as the merging points are fairly bulky (even after trimming them a bit)  and will make FMQ over it very tricky. Also made the points a bit wonky. Colour wise a solid black border would have probably been better but once the purple border was on I did not want to take it off again due to the fragile nature of the seams. The purple border idea followed my thinking that I would just use this as a FMQ project and for that reason wanted a 2" border to put a swirly design in there. Decided to just finish it off and be done with it. I will probably put a mix of colours around as the binding. The photo does not really do it real life it is very intense to look at...probably one of the more unsettling quilts I have done. Still trying to work out whether I like it or not.

However I am getting a bit excited about the next stage...FMQ. Almost having withdrawal symptoms as I have not FMQ for the entire month. Can't wait...have definite ideas for this one which no doubt will change as I go I said at the beginning...this should be interesting.

Linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced to have a look what others are up to.

Until next time



  1. I like it a lot. I like the bright colors.

  2. Great color! Can't wait to see your FMQ.

    1. Having withdrawal symptoms...have pieced for most of the month

  3. It's very interesting design. I like the center a lot but not so sure about the mix color corner parts.

    1. Totally agree...this is what I thought when it started evolving. Initially I was going to make it bigger, but it would have been too much colour. This was actually a very interesting exercise in colour placement.

  4. Nice and vibrant! Love the look you achieved.

    1. It's a pity that a photo never quite shows the look. It is very intense to look at, but I think I like it.

  5. Its gorgeous, I love the colours, design- every part of it, beautiful!

  6. Ditto the above - I LOVE everything about it. Awesome job.

    1. Thanks...yep, a love of bright colours is a must for this one. It is just on the border for me. I am usually a bit of a "muted" colour person. No idea really why I did this one.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Marjorie...bit of an interesting experiment and I must say colour placement was much harder than what I had anticipated.

  8. I like your quilt, beautiful colours and the triangles are just perfect:)


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