
Tuesday 5 February 2013

BIG Mistake

WIP #3: Baby Quilt on hold
Last week and over the weekend I worked away on my baby quilt. Chain pieced all the blocks and managed to sew together all the rows. I was very impressed with my productivity and thought that this was super easy, fast to make. And it is....

I am sure you can relate to this...working away, thinking you are really getting things done, standing back looking at your work, still all good, in fact, looking really great, and then discover the mistake. Initially it is a fleeting thought and then you really stand back and take note! No escaping it...BIG mistake.

I could not believe it! In my haste, I did not pay sufficient attention to the direction of my fabric.

I focussed on the zebras for some reason...looking at this the week before, I thought (and wrote) that this would be great as the zebras would be hopping all over the place. Yes, they do, however I failed to pay any attention to the clouds. No idea how this happened, but I now have a quilt where all the clouds point in the vertical direction...

I know how this is due to my method of construction and requires a different approach. As this is a pattern I ultimately want to share over the net, I will have to fix this. Maybe this was due to my low grade migraine that troubled me for most of last week, but I am still in a state of disbelief.

Options.. (1) I could fix the current blocks, or (2) do it again...

Looked at the fabric this morning...yep, as I always buy way too much fabric, I have enough to do it again (may need to purchase some white, but that is ok, as I only bought this recently). Phew...the other fabric was bought some time during last year, so little chance I'll get that again.

Can't believe it...well, one good thing, this pattern will have been well and truly tested and there would not be anything else that could go wrong. ( I have done this quilt before on a smaller scale with fabric that was non-directional, so this will be the third time I am making it)

Thought I share this and am linking up to Connie at Freemotion by the River.



  1. I'm glad you've enough fabric to correct your mistake. Don't keep it on hold for too long as that fabric is too cute to hide away.

  2. It's really cute material. I really didn't notice what was wrong until you said something. I know I would have had the same problem .

  3. Happy to hear you have enough fabric to redo. It happens to the best of us, will be working along and not really seeing or focusing on something specific in the fabric. The fabric is cute!

  4. What an adorable collection of fabrics, quite honestly , I wouldn't redo it. I think that directional fabrics that are going all over the place looks great and gives the quilt character. Don't be so hard on yourself!! Looks great

  5. Cute pattern and I understand about the redo although I didn't notice the clouds either until you said it. Good thing "we" all seem to buy plenty of extra fabric! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  6. Please share the redo. The pattern looks really interesting!

  7. Karin, did you realise that the clouds are not all facing the same way. The flat bottoms on the clouds are in different directions on one of your blocks.
    Just thought I should say something before you start the redo, otherwise you might find that you have more blocks you are not happy with.
    Looking forward to seeing the final product.


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