
Thursday, 11 April 2013

Quilters' Show and Tell

This week's theme is English Paper Piecing and my table runner from last year fits the bill (apologies to all who have already seen it).

Except for the border and binding, this table runner is entirely hand pieced using the English Paper Piecing method. The table runner measures 19.5"x 34". I must say, that this was one of the most therapeutic things I have ever done. There was no rushing this, just steady stitching at a very slow pace...I really enjoyed doing this and the end result was so worth it. If you want to re-visit the painstakingly slow progress of this table runner start here

Check out the entries over at the Quilting Gallery on Friday morning. (Voting starts on Friday and continues through to Monday morning).

Quilters’ Show and Tell


1 comment:

  1. It is just beautiful! You realize of course that you've just added another "I want to make this" to my list!! Gorgeous!


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