
Tuesday, 21 May 2013

WIP: Spider web Quilt

Love it...

If I do 30 blocks the quilt will be about 61" x 73"...ha, ha, only about 26 blocks to go!

I love scrappy quilts. Not sure what it is about them, whether it is the riot of colour or the actual fact that you are using leftovers, hence literally creating new fabric and at the same time having a bit of a memento of all the different fabrics used over the last few years. I am using calico for the star...I am aiming for this quilt to have that old fashioned look and feel of 'making do with what you 've got' about it.

Huge design possibilities here...You could use just one consistent colour for the first strip to accentuate the star shape while keeping the scrappy look for the rest of the spider web. Also, you could make your strips uneven, i.e. sewing them at different angles to the first strip. You could change the star by halving each star section and having a different colour in there....

Lots of fun to do and very relaxing...



  1. Love it. Beautiful. I have done one.

  2. The first thing I thought of when I saw it was the patterns made from a child's kaleidoscope. Beautiful!

  3. I love it too! Looks great and is coming right along!

  4. Ich finde es auch immer schön, meine "Lieblingsstoffe" in so viele Quilts wie möglich einzubauen! Du machst mir echt Lust auf einen Spiderweb!


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