
Saturday, 27 July 2013

Less May Be More

This is how far I got with my in-lining of the plume shapes

Initially I was going to also outline the plume shapes on the outside as I had done with the feather wreath. However, after I started it and looked at it, I just felt that this was too much...somehow it distracted rather than enhanced the look, so I did not continue with it.

Looking at it now, I think it definitely needs a filler, but given how slow the in-lining is progressing,  this is still a while off. I don't want to rush this along, but take my time and hopefully get it right and enjoy the process.

Linking up to FMQ Friday at the Freemotion Quilting Project.



  1. It is important to enjoy the process, otherwise why do it. I think it's very nice, but you definitely need to keep going on the feather "stems".

  2. This is one beautiful project. I am very impressed.


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