
Saturday 1 February 2014

Progress on Wholecloth

Continued on my microstippling of the centre of the wholecloth. While I was doing this I was thinking that I need to definitely branch out into other filler designs.  Microstippling is great but fairly work hands were positively cramping after doing a particularly long stretch. It's not that I do not know other designs...there are plenty around and I can do a number of them. I struggle with visualizing the outcome and keep coming back to the microstippling as this is something I know in terms of its texture and looks. Also with this piece I worried that a different filler, like swirls for example might just be too much (as I am planning more feathers in the two borders). In retrospect though, a swirl patterns or something similar would have gone quite well as the thread blends in just perfectly...

Anyway, got the centre of the piece done

Happy to report that  I was less picky on how this all turned out...finally settled into a happy medium of  yes, this will do with all its little irregularities and bumps. Very pleased with myself as I can be extraordinarily perfectionist.

The whole thing compacted considerably and I wonder whether I will have issues doing a less compact design in the first border

And last, not least...the back. As usual I like the back almost better than the front and was thinking why I did not do this quilt on black in the first place

Linking up to Leah Day's FMQ Link Up



  1. Your feathers are beautiful. Microstippling is a pain but it is so effective. Have you looked at Diane Gaudynski's work? She has wonderful backgrounds and you may get some ideas from her. You have just inspired me to do another wholecloth!

  2. Wow! I just love how the microstippling makes the flowers pop out. I need to find another micro pattern as well, though I suppose I'll have the same issue with it--the amount of intense concentration it takes! The front and back are both beautiful!

  3. Your work is beautiful and inspiring.

  4. amazing! I can see why you'd stick with microstippling, it does look fabulous

  5. Your quilting is beautiful :)
    When trying out quilting designs, l lay a large piece of glass on top of my quilt and using a felt tip pen, draw out the designs I plan to use to see if they will work, my drawing doesn't have to be perfect but it does help a lot to visualize how it will look.


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