
Tuesday 25 February 2014

Testing Blog Button

What do you think of my blog button? Still in its development stages ...somehow I think I am doing something wrong with the picture. I don't think it is clear enough and at the moment it seems to have a purple line around it...not sure about this either. I created the button in a drawing program, exported it as a JPEG (a bit over the recommended 125 x125pixels) and it came looking out like this.  But even more exacerbating was trying to get it on the blog with that little grab box.

You have no idea how I have struggled with this...for many, many sessions. Actually got very frustrated with this...just could not find something that came out working...

Finally found a web site that worked at Code It Pretty. So, gave that a go and it worked...

I am going to test this a bit to see whether it actually works...

Holding my breath now

Grab button for The Quilt Yarn
<div class="The-Quilt-Yarn-button" style="width: 130px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"> <img src="" alt="The Quilt Yarn" width="130" height="130" /> </a> </div>
PS.  Wow, seems to work, but also just saw that it has a white surround and the purple line has disappeared...hmm, I think this is due to the JPEG export.
also, the horizontal scroll does not work when posted but is working when composing the post. No idea why that is so. And obviously this button needs a bit of work. I like the design but would prefer it to be much crisper...back to the drawing board. This is actually holding me up in my quilting, can you believe it?

PSS Even managed a second one on the side bar with a different code



  1. I think it looks great Karin! I can totally relate with how distracting this sort of thing can be. I don't even want to KNOW how much time I've spent tweaking things on my website to be "just so". The horizontal scroll seems to be working fine too. I thought technology was going to make all this EASIER... :-)

  2. I like your blog button! I have tried to fix things on my blog so many times and nothing works! I think blogger is harder than it looks. It shouldn't be this hard!!

  3. I think your blog button is terrif! I'm very impressed that you were able to manage making one at all. I'm going to save your instructions and give it a try myself!


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