
Tuesday 8 April 2014

FMQ - Flower Scroll Design

Finally managed to have a closer look at Amy's FMQ Adventures Link up that she started last month with a series of tutorials on McTavishing. Unfortunately I could not participate as I was seriously piecing away on two different projects...switching my machine over to FMQ would have side tracked me again (and we know what happens then). With my baby quilt out of the way and my Dresden Plate table runner ready to baste, I feel now ready to play a bit again and that Flower Scroll design looks just lovely. I hope we can work up to the feather flower version...tried this a couple of times but something seems to be going wrong for me on that one.

Anyway, here are my practice pieces of the Flower Scroll design

First attempt
Yep, could do the shape but could not really travel all that well with it...sometimes I managed and sometimes I did not, ending up all over the place and having those unquilted pockets appear. Also lacked my particular take on traveling with this particular design. While I could see how Amy was doing it in her video, I obviously need some more practice to make this design my flower scroll.

So, next attempt I went much smaller to get a bit of a grip on the traveling

Second attempt
Some odd shapes in there, but getting a bit better...felt that I was getting a feel for how to travel from one spot to the other.

Third attempt
Yes, definitely starting to work, even though it might not be that obvious from this sample...more consistent shapes and I managed to travel a bit all over the place. Paid attention to how I did my scroll as that determined which side I ended up, so that was a bit helpful. Also swung out a bit more on the echoing which tended to fill the spaces a bit better.

This was good fun...definitely need more practice

Linking up to Amy's Freemotion Monday Quilting Adventure


  1. Very impressive flowers! They are very consistent!!!
    I will be participating in the QAL too. Hope my flowers look like yours. :-)
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  2. Looks great! I'll be trying out this design today.

  3. Great job! You are quite right in trying to figure out which way to do your scroll to end up in the direction you want to go. Thanks for joining in!

  4. these are looking great! I'm hoping to get some done this week, too!

  5. Good on you - these are looking great - and it's interesting to read your thought processes too. Hopefully I'll be playing with this tomorrow.

  6. I just started practicing this design. I think it's fun! My stems seem kind of long. I'm trying to shorten them and move my flowers closer together. The spacing is a little difficult on this design. I'll post soon and link up over at Amy's blog.

  7. your practice pieces are looking good...I have practiced on paper and hope to do so on fabric this coming week...


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