
Monday 9 June 2014

The Graph Paper Quilt Along

I am joining Heidi's Graph Paper Quilt Along over at the Fabric Mutt.

Fabric Mutt

Could not believe it when I saw it...this is exactly what I had just done...just sewn together some squares as part of my latest obsession of getting rid of some of my overflowing stash.

So I could say that I already have completed a quilt top ...however, I did this before I had even heard about the QA

For this QA I was thinking of using some fabric that I found on the bottom of the stash...not particularly pretty, but obviously must have bought it for a reason. Then I found the Pig fabric and bingo...a match!

However then I saw the suggestions that Heidi from Fabric Mutt put up last week and I found the perfect project for me.

Spend last week working through some fabric and designing this Plus quilt top using the fabrics in my stash

Have not started cutting yet, as I then got side tracked on some other things and also sported a major migraine. But I have the Accuquilt Go cutter and cutting out the squares will be quick, so I am hoping to catch up by the next link up.

Linking up to the Graph Paper QAL over at Fabric Mutt.



  1. I love plus quilts, this will look great!

  2. I love a good plus sign quilt, it will be fabulous!

  3. This is going to be beautiful, Karin! I love plus quilts too!!

  4. The plus quilt is a great idea - and the pig fabric is fantastic!! So crazy, with their loopy tails :) Glad the migraine's gone now - looking forward to seeing more!

  5. Oh goodness those pigs are cute as is the bottom fabric...looks like slices of bacon....mmmmmm.....bacon!:)

  6. Love your fabric choice. The pigs are perfect!


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