
Saturday 2 August 2014

Pets On Quilts Show 2014

It's that time of year again...Lilypad Quilting is holding the annual Pets On Quilt Show. This is always a fun event and I am going to enter into the Cat category, i.e. cats on quilts.

Currently we are having two cats in the house, our cat, Abby and my daughter's cat, Pixie.

This is Abby

What is it about cats that they appear out of nowhere when you are trying to photograph a quilt. In the first shot I was trying to photograph the quilt draped over a chair and she went onto the chair looking out from underneath...this was getting very funny as she was just not going to move at all. Needless to say it took a very long time to get a shot of the quilt without the cat.

And here is a shot of my daughter's cat, Pixie

 A particularly great photograph that I managed to get of her posing

Yep, Pixie also has claimed the quilts that are lying around the house. I find this extraordinary how cats just have this incredible thing about quilts...almost claiming every quilt like as if to say...thanks for making another one just for me to sleep on!

Join the fun and head over to Lilypad Quilting to have a look at the gorgeous entries. I promise this will keep you going for at least a week, if not longer. Just had a read: the party will go for 10 days this year and there will be six viewers' choice awards...and then there are prizes via random drawing.
I am heading over...

Until next time



  1. I have a lot of face shots like that, they will be in the perfect pose until they see the camera and then they stick their face in the lens! LOL

  2. yep. quilts are cat magnets. I feel like a professional photographer each time! "take one<" "take two hundred" LOL
    Abby and Pixie are so sweet

  3. Your photos are beautiful of those sweet cats! Pixie looks so sweet on the gorgeous pink quilt.

  4. Gracie likes your whisker shots. She thinks whisker pictures show a cat's best features.

  5. Oh I love your last photo of that beautiful quilt and a very contented cat.

  6. Beautiful felines and lovely quilts.

  7. You are so right about them knowing that you made the quilts just for them. So appreciative aren't they. Cute Cats and wonderful quilts.

  8. Oh, two beautiful kitties - I just love calicos.

  9. Abby and Pixie are beautiful! That quilt isn't bad either ;-)

  10. They're both so beautiful. Of course you're making all of these quilts just for them, look how good the quilts look with the cats on them :)

  11. Your fur babies are so cute! Who wouldn't love cuddling up to those pretty quilts.

  12. Abby and Pixie look so very comfy on your beautiful quilts!

  13. I wish your kitties knew what a great quilter your are! Maybe that makes them easier to lay on!! Haha!!

  14. You have taken some great photos - lovely cats and quilts!

  15. Love that last photo - so relaxed and contented!

  16. Pixie is gorgeous! As is your feathers on that quilt - nicely done :-)

  17. So cute! Definitely, quilts are cat magnets!

  18. I think Pixie claimed your quilt. She is so cute!

  19. Abby is so darn cute and Pixie looks like the queen bee. So love your quilt as well. SMILES!

  20. They are both so cute. Is funny how they "claim" anything that in their mind is just laying around waiting for them

  21. Beautiful cats!

  22. Wonderful photos of Abby and Pixie - such beautiful cats! It is amazing how much they love quilts. Maybe it's all that lovely feathering!

  23. That quilt is obviously very comfortable. Love the kitties. Hugs Susie x

  24. It's a beautiful quilt - no wonder she loves it!

  25. Abby reminds me of my cat Lucy who I had many years ago. Pixie looks very comfortable on that quilt.

  26. Such a pretty kitty. Love the close up face shot.


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