
Saturday, 20 December 2014

Progress On New WIPs

Made some progress on my new piecing projects

After some rummaging through my stash found some additional white fabric. Not exactly sure what happened here but did some massive miscalculation when I started this off.

The baby quilt is going to look quite cute, I think. I am a bit worried about the different white fabric in between, however it will be placed consistently in each corner of each star so I can pretend it was meant to be like that.

Now the bottom design is an entirely different matter. I think I said previously that these were not my colours...and yep, it shows. My daughter and I both stood in front of this and we both said that this looked rather ...bla. Not sure this works actually. I did try different colours to partially frame the blocks on the EQ7 however using a darker colour like the brown in the middle of one block and the whole framing tended to take over the quilt. Using a green solid colour looked just plain odd, as some of the Charm squares got a blueish hue to it.

Has this ever happened to you? I think I will continue with this arrangement even though I am not a 100% and just hope that the overall vision of this quilt comes through. It might turn out a ...bla...quilt, something that is neither here nor there. Those colours are just too soft for me. I have in mind to FMQ the disconnected frame around the blocks quite heavily and that may lift this can only hope.

Have another similar design already cut out which will be better as the colours are dark and succinct. I think that will be an easier quilt to work on for me. Maybe I should start that one as well...haha!


1 comment:

  1. I really like your star quilt-it's looking so bright and springy! Yes sometimes I just plug away at a quilt even thought I am not in love with it and not sure how it comes out. But just remember it will change after you quilt it also. And if you still don't like it much donate it!! Merry Christmas.


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