
Monday, 16 March 2015

FMQ Teaser

That's all I have been doing...FMQ

First time I have tried this background filler from Patsy Thompson...plumification plus. Looks a bit crinkled as I had just washed the piece. Don't know about you, but nowadays I rarely just practice  on practice pieces. Don't seem to put the effort in when I just stitch on a practice piece, so now I go onto the real thing straight away and hope for the best. That way I ensure that I am giving it a really good workout. The 2015 FMQ challenge over at Quiltshopgal is particularly good for this...making a pillow with FMQ designs is just a big enough task to get a real feel for a design but small enough to actually get it done. This design was interesting...initially could not quite get the feel or rhythm to it, then got it and then lost it somewhat again...was left with a bit of an awkward empty space in the end that I could not get to anymore. However, the design is very forgiving, so I just filled that bit in after...not noticeable at all.

Should have my pillow finished some time this week...yah!



  1. It is gorgeous! I too love Patsy' book, and i try to copy her work to learn more about FMQ!
    Great work!!!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com

  2. -das sieht sehr, sehr gut aus Karin, und jetzt sieht man auch dein Trapunto sehr deutlich. Super!
    Liebe Grüße

  3. Looks beautiful, Karin! I love Patsy Thompson's designs. I was thinking about taking her Craftsy class. Great work!

  4. Beautiful quilting - I just watched Patsy's videos the other day and thought that I really should try this particular pattern :)


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