
Saturday, 11 April 2015

WIP: Stretched Stars Finished

I have had an interesting time with this quilt.

But more on that later. Firstly, let me show you how I sew the binding on...was going to take a photo of those little clips I use for a long time, but kept forgetting it. Every time I come across those Quilter's Clips you can buy, I think about taking a photo of those inexpensive bull clips that I use.
Works just as well...I only ever use one or two to hold the next section in place, shifting them as I move around the edge.
So, here I was sewing on the binding when the cat decided to force her way onto my lap to take up her favourite sleeping position at night in front of the telly. Normally I would move the quilt out of the way, but I really wanted to get this done...well, the cat was equally determined not to give in, so here you see me trying to sew while she was holding her position. This was hilarious!
In the end she did win as I felt sorry for her. You cannot see it but the poor animal had some blood taken (from the neck!) earlier in the day by the vet to work out what is wrong with her. She has had some kind of gastro upset in the last few months and she has been on and off to the vet to work out what is going on. Poor on a really bland diet and the needle today did freak her out.

Well, I managed to finish the quilt off the next day and here it is
The binding looks really nice with those bright colours
Back to my earlier point. I had some faded blue chalk from one of a quilting motifs that I had tried left on the quilt. I decided to make it disappear with the iron...well, usually this does work. Not this time! Not only did it not disappear but I nearly "burnt" the fabric. As I was not sure whether the fabric got singed or the iron had left some mark behind, I washed that spot off the quilt. All was well until I discovered the next day that I had some colour run in the areas that got wet.
 Not sure you can see it, but believe me it is there in several spots...The red colour is definitely running...cannot believe it. This fabric has been washed (I think). Bit undecided whether to wash the whole quilt now with the product below or just leave it.

What if this ruins the whole quilt? Somehow things have not gone that smoothly with this quilt. On the other hand, I have used this product before with an enormous blue colour run and that had worked fine...

Wish me luck with this! I think I will have to bite the bullet, so to speak...cannot give it away like that as there will be a major colour run disaster when the person first washes the quilt, apart from the fact that I really cannot just leave it like that now.

Wow...the trials and tribulations of quilting.

As this quilt was finished on a Friday, I will link up to TGIFF which was hosted by Lorna over at SewFresh Quilts.



  1. Such a pretty quilt! Love those bright colors. To help with bleeding toss some color catcher sheets in! I haven't needed to use them (I don't prewash) but I do plan to get some to keep on hand. Good luck getting the extra color out!

    Poor kitty. Pet her lots and lots!

  2. I love this design and the fun colours work fabulously to show off those stars. The binding was a perfect choice, Karin! Have my fingers crossed that it will all come out in the wash okay!

  3. Perfect binding fabric! Amazing how quilts draw kitties.

  4. Love the picture of your cat. Such a determined expression of her face. We are a household of lap cats and they love nosing out the new fabric and quilts. Good luck on the colour run. I think using a product designed for this is a good idea and hopefully will sort the problem for the future.

  5. Congrats on the finish! I remember this as a WIP from a while ago, it sounds like it's been a rough ride to the end.

    Hope your cat gets better soon!

  6. Deine Katze ist ja so goldig, hoffentlich geht es ihr wieder gut ♥
    Ich muss mal Ausschau nach dem Dylon Mittel halten, das gibt es vielleicht auch hier in Deutschland, dann traue ich mich vielleicht wieder meine Quilts zu waschen...
    Liebe Grüße


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