
Thursday 4 February 2016

WIP: Baby Quilt

Quick update on the Tumbling Block baby quilt...finally finished the tedious SID and got on to the fun part...the actual quilting of the quilt.

Did some simple straight line quilting over the cubes. Used Cindy Needham's Ultimate Stencils (the 3/4in grid to mark my quick and easy! Then I quilted a simple loopy design over the hippos to de-emphasize the formality of the lines.
All in all, very nice, but a lot of work...forgot how much work it is to quilt an entire quilt just having done mostly pillows last year for the FMQ Challenge. This took forever!

I then decided to quilt a loopy heart design in the inner border. This is a design I am not that comfortable with and the best way to overcome this is to do an entire border
That turned out really nice and if you let go of perfectionism is an uncomplicated, fast design to use in a border.

The whole thing turned out a bit crinkly due to the quilting but I am hoping that this will ease a bit once it is all done. I like baby quilts to be quilted fairly heavily due to them having to be washed on a regular basis.

Linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced...just read that Amy will take a 2 months break and is thinking of finishing off her weekly linky. Fair enough too as she has run it for 5 years and the work that goes into a linky is just enormous. So, 'thank you' Amy for all the work that you put in in running this weekly linky.

Also linking up belatedly to Let's Bee Social #110...was quilting for most of the day yesterday and did not want to loose momentum...



  1. A tumbling blocks quilt is on my list of "quilts to make". I love yours!The quilting designs you choase go very well with the pattern, and that loopy hearts border looks much, much better than my efforts!

  2. It really did turn out very nice. Love your white border quilting-you did just super on it!! Soon it will be all dond and you can move on to the next project;-)

  3. This is looking so nice. Love the heart border and you quilted it so well.Will have to try that design myself.

  4. Perfect quilting choice! It's gorgeous!


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