
Monday 3 October 2016

Festival of Quilts 2016

I entered 2 quilts (my white Wholecloth and the Mandala) in the annual Festival of Quilts Show this year. The motto was "It's an Exhibition not a Competition". This year quilters were asked to opt for their quilt to be judged, rather than opt out of the judging process. Well, maybe this encouraged more people this year...there were a record of 236 quilts on exhibition! Fantastic effort. The quality of the quilts on show was just outstanding...

Could not believe it, they rang me on Thursday night to say that I won a prize, however at that point I did not know exactly what I had won, as the person who rang me did not have the detail.

Well, I heard on Saturday...1st Place in the Traditional Small Amateur Quilt Category...a Blue Ribbon!

I went to the show on Sunday and here I am...
I actually felt somewhat overwhelmed with this...did not expect this at all and kept looking at the quilt. I nearly did not put it in, thinking it was too simple, too white, too ...bla. I actually called it 'Simply Wholecloth' in the end.
I was really pleased that I did not have too many folds in it from being in the bag for some time...looked alright. Well, the Sunday became a bit of a family daughters came, as did my husband and our visitor. This was really nice.

Got a great shot with my daughters, with the youngest just goofing around
 It's a pity that one cannot put up photos of some of the quilts on the Internet...there were some absolute stunners in there. If anyone is interested, the photos of all the winners will be up on the Quilters Guild SA website later in the week. I will sneak in a photo of the Mandala display though...they had them mounted on these circular boards hanging from the ceiling and spinning around. Now that was really cool
Mine is the red blob on the bottom!

Well, the pressure is on for next year. I am planning two Wholecloth quilts. The next quilt show is a bit earlier, so let's see how far we get with this...



  1. Liebe Karin,

    herzlichen Glückwunsch zu dem erreichten ist aber auch eine wunderschöne Arbeit!

    Liebe Grüße Klaudia

  2. Be proud. This is an absolutely gorgeous wholecloth quilt and I think you did a FANTASTIC job. So happy you won a ribbon and that it took a lst place shows everyone agrees - it is a stunning quilt. Great job!


  3. Congratulations again Karin. I agree with quiltshop gal it is a fantastic quilt and a very well deserved win. To think you weren't sure about entering it.....

  4. Congratulations Karin. A well deserved win. Your quilting is gorgeous!

  5. Congratulations Karin. A well deserved win. Your quilting is gorgeous!

  6. Congratulations Karin. It is stunning and so glad it got a blue ribbon. Great sot of your daughter.

  7. Congratulations Karin. It is stunning and so glad it got a blue ribbon. Great sot of your daughter.

  8. Congratulations, Karin! I'm so happy for you.You deserve to win that ribbon! So nice that your family joined in the fun. Wonderful!!

  9. Herzlichen Glückwunsch liebe Karin,
    den Preis hat du wirklich verdient!
    Dein Quilting ist so wunderschön!
    Vielen Dank für die tollen Fotos,
    es ist echt toll wie die Mandalas presentiert wurden.
    Liebe Grüße

  10. I am so excited for your win Karin, congrats!! I think many people are afraid to have their quilts judged so I am guessing that is why so many people entered. We all love to have our quilting looked at but not so critically!!

  11. Well done Karin, congratulations - its beautiful work!

  12. Congratulations Karin! Just love your mandala quilt. Deserves the ribbon!

  13. Sorry Karin! I'm talking about your beautiful whole cloth quilt!!


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