
Wednesday 2 November 2016

Drifting Leaves Quilt

I am working on my Drifting Leaves quilt. This is from the fabric that I won in the Auribuzz Blog Hop. The fabric is by Shannon Brinkley from her Dryad collection. It is absolutely beautiful and in the end I decided to follow her Drifting Leaves pattern which simply sews all the strips together.

For the leaves I ordered some of the Multicolour Print...gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. Had trouble cutting into this, but managed to cut out my 17 leaves.
I am using this as a bit of a practice or re-acquaintance for some of the decorative stitches on the machine. I have another applique project in mind where I do want to use a variety of stitches. So I trialed  several different stitches to secure the leaves onto the fabric. Definitely was very rusty in doing this...some examples:
Filled circles as edge
Blanket stitch
...and close up of the uneven satin type stitch. I liked this one best as you cannot see any hiccups that will invariably happen
Uneven type satin stitch
Used various other options from the choice of stitches, some worked better than others. This time I used my Aurifil thread to do the applique which worked great and looks great as the colours coordinate nicely.
Quilt is now ready for basting
Found some nice dark blue dotty fabric in my never ending stash (the stuff I have got in there is unbelievable!) and put the binding together today.
Linking up to Lorna's Let's Bee Social over at Sew Fresh Quilts



  1. Nice quilt, I like your leaf appliqué a lot!

    1. Hi Emese... thanks for the compliment. Not sure whether you noticed, but you are a No Reply blogger, hence I cannot respond via email.

  2. Hi Karin! Beautiful quilt! Wonderful pattern for stripes (jelly rolls are in my mind these days) and the leaves are fun! x Teje

  3. How lovely! Those leaves are pretty ♥

  4. I too have fancy stitches on my machine and forget to use them like this, duh!! Thanks for the reminder. Really liking your quilt.

  5. Very nice. I love the colour placement in this quilt.

  6. Pretty! Hooray for dotty binding!

  7. Very nice! The colors are beautiful, your design too.


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