
Saturday, 30 December 2017

Planning for 2018

Before the year is up, here are my two recent finishes
e2equilting on Sweet 16

Another ruler practice quilt
I feel I am starting 2018 with a clean slate...haha, I wish!

So, what is on the agenda for 2018...I feel that 2018 is going to be a year of many changes. 

1. I need to get back to my blog. This year has seen me neglecting my blog severely due to many different issues like work, life in general, new Sweet 16 etc...I did post on IG a fair bit on what I was working on at times but I must say, I do enjoy blogging more due to the interaction with your readers. It is nice to hear from like minded people all over the world and I have had some very interesting exchanges over the years, a lot of handy tips on sewing related issues as well as finding tons of inspiration and encouragement. I am planning to get back to more regular updates and also am planning to write a bit about my experiences with the HQ Sweet 16. I have found that there is not that much around on the net other than people getting the machine and loving it. Can't say that that was my experience. I am attending a HQ group on a monthly basis which has been extremely helpful and I am hoping to share some of the learning on the blog.
Also need to clean up my blog a bit, refresh in general and work out a few technical issues like how to put photos side by side...

2. I am planning/just about to start another wholecloth quilt. The first one will be a bit of a practice run to see how I go on the Sweet 16 using a completely unfamiliar thread to me (Magnifico from Signature) and also using rulers to construct the framework. Really looking forward to this. If this works well, hopefully I will then get on to another wholecloth (on black cotton) that I designed last year. Nothing earth shattering, more or less a repetition of a pattern over the surface, but it should look nice on a dark background. Then there is the silk that I acquired some years ago...if I can get the rulers to work for me then a silk wholecloth could well be on the horizon. We'll see...

3. The blasted 1000 Pyramid quilt...what was I thinking!! I am by now more than halfway through...the photo was taken when I was still very excited about this 😏

One can only hope that I find some motivation to finish this!

...and another baby quilt like this...I am planning to write up the pattern for my little Craftsy pattern shop, this time with cute 'ducky' fabric in green and blue. Another one of those jobs that I did not get around to this year.

4. I am going to participate in Patsy Thompson's ruler online workshop during January. This should be good fun! Patsy is an incredible teacher and looking over her blog usually gives me tons of inspiration...hence the new wholecloth that I am starting.

5. I am looking at retirement/semi retirement in 2018. Big change! What exactly that will look like is still a bit uncertain, but it is definitely coming. This should be very interesting and should provide me with more time to concentrate on my creative adventures...I am looking forward to this new phase in my life and have a few ideas around this...most of them are quilting related of course!

Could go on with other projects that are in the back of my mind, but I will stop here as I don't like too much planning in my quilting. Usually inspiration strikes and then I get side tracked into another intense learning activities (like is currently happening with the rulers for me)... which may or may not work out. I really enjoy that more haphazard well for me and keeps me interested. If I knock off my project list above I shall be very happy.

I am linking up to the #2018Planning Party over at Quilting Jetgirl

2018 Planning Party


  1. Hallo Karin,
    das klingt doch Alles wunderbar. Ich werde Deinen Berichten auf jeden Fall folgen.
    Liebe Grüße und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr

  2. Wow, retirement or semi-retirement is a big change for you in 2018. I hope that you have a peaceful year and that you find a lot of quilting joy working on the goals you have listed. Thank you so much for linking up!

  3. I love your beautiful quilts and your design for a new wholecloth quilt in 2018. I'm not sure which I'm more excited about - your retirement in 2018 or you creating another beautiful wholecloth quilt? Maybe it boils down to all the award winning wholecloth quilts (and other quilts) I see you making once you are officially retired (transitioned into another career/phase of life).


  4. I'm looking forward to more reporting on Sweet 16 progress. I recently bought a Tiara and still haven't solved tension issues.....have appreciated all the information you've shared so far. You will love retirement!

    1. Watch for my next post...I am trying different thread. Adventure and a half! While it worked I think I prefer my normal Aurifil thread. I wonder how long you have had your machine...


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