
Wednesday 15 August 2018

Pets on Quilts 2018

The Pets on Quilt Show is on again over at LilyPad Quilting. This has been an event that I have participated in since I started blogging in much fun to see all our furry friends.

My entry for this year is Pixie, our somewhat reluctant second cat. She has not grown up with us and is a somewhat anxious and skitty cat but getting better as time goes on. Here she is sitting on my ruler practice quilt from last year when I ventured into the world of rulerquilting with my newly acquired HQ Sweet 16. The quilt is a lap size quilt made out of charm squares that I had sitting around. I had joined the HQ Ruler of the Month Club and used the quilt to give each ruler a bit of a go. The result was variable, to say the least, but good enough to be used as a bit of a throw over the seats to ensure that the cats don't dig into the furniture with their claws.

And here she is...Pixie...with that brooding, unimpressed look.
I have another favourite cat photo of our other, cat, Abby. Unfortunately I cannot use this for the event because she is not actually lying on a quilt, but have a look:
See what she is lying on...the ruler! I caught this when I came home one day and found her lying on the cutting table like this, on the ruler, amongst the pins etc...too funny! Since then I do make sure to always close up my rotary cutter, just in case. No idea how she could have found this comfortable or why she chose this.

Linking up to LilyPad Quilting for the Pets on Quilts Show 2018. Have a look, I guarantee that it will bring a smile to your face!



  1. Hallo Karin,
    Schöne Bilder. Pixi schaut wie die Sphinx von ihrem gemütlichen Platz auf dem Quilt. Und Abby bewacht schlafend Deine Utensilien.
    Katzen und Hunde zu haben, ist einfach schön.
    Liebe Grüße

  2. Pixie is definitely unimpressed. As for Abby, I guess she just got super sleepy where she was, and plopped down.

  3. Pixie and Abby are both beautiful!

  4. Pixie certainly looks unimpressed.

  5. Pixie is the perfect name for her!

  6. Your kitties are so sweet... in all their moods! Lol

  7. Your cats are so cute! Pixie definitely has what I consider the quintessential cat look- definitely she is the queen. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Pixie looks like a she is going to be a sweet helper in the sewing room, for sure!


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