
Tuesday 18 September 2018

Blogger's Quilt Festival

Finally, I have a quilt finished to participate in the Blogger's Quilt Festival 2018 over at Amys Creative Side. The last few years I have missed out due to not having anything finished at that, apologies for posting about the same quilt again, but it's a beauty.

The 1000 Pyramid Quilt, cursed a thousand times and for the last 3 years in danger of becoming one of those UFOs.
The problem started with the construction...did not think ahead that this meant some insane matching of points and if you are a bit of a perfectionist like I am it was very hard to let go of that. Every row was a struggle. Mind you, in the end I used some fabric glue to secure the points in place as with pinning alone I had a fair bit of shifting going on. Ultimately I did accept that the goal was to finish rather than having nice points, so there are some dooseys in there, but given its scrappy-ness nobody will ever know.

Then there was the quilting! Decided against all better judgement to do an allover Baptist fan design on my newly acquired Sweet 16, using one of the rulers. Must say, that nearly finished me off but in the end, I stubbornly continued. It paid off in that it looks absolutely stunning and actually got finished.
The quilt got very big, 67in x 86in, as I wanted to use as many of the scraps up that I had. Needless to say, it did not make a lot of difference and I am now thinking that I should do a string quilt out of the ever increasing scrap least I will not have to match any points and can just mindlessly sew strings together.

Joining the Blogger's Festival 2018 at Amys Creative Side for some eye candy and no doubt inspiration for the next few projects.



  1. Beautiful finish and I bet it sleeps well.

  2. Te end result is well worth the pain and agony you must have been though with all those triangles. It's stunning :)

  3. That is so pretty! I love the baptist fan quilting. What ruler did you use?

  4. Wonderful quilt; well worth the effort. I too am interested to know which ruler you used to make the baptist fan quilting.

  5. Liebe Karin,
    dein Quilt ist wunderschön geworden...auch dein Quilting gefällt mir sehr!

    LG Klaudia

  6. This is a beautiful quilt in spite of the construction issues :-)
    Well worth the hard work and frustration..

  7. Good job on persevering! It's definitely worth it! Love the quilt and the cat.

  8. Beautiful quilt, and I love the Baptist Fan quilting, it always seems like an appropriate choice for scrappy patchwork.

  9. It's beautiful! And more importantly, cat approved! And you've proven to yourself that you CAN do these things - nothing is impossible!

  10. love this...the scrappier the better....

  11. So appreciate that you posted about your struggles with the quilt. Points and I don't get along, at least not yet, until I gain more experience.
    Your choice of quilting is spot on! Well worth the effort ~

  12. Well done. I was once told by a well known teacher, that the points are just playing hide & seek, so a finished quilt is the best, as then it is useful. Love the baptist fan pattern on it. Take care.

  13. Beautiful! A thousand pyramids is on my bucket list of quilts to make, and I just love the fan quilting on it.

  14. Gorgeous! Love the scrappiness.:)

  15. This is a fabulous quilt even if not quite as "pointy" as you might like. You get my vote!

  16. It looks great! The quilting looks wonderful, too. Well worth the bad words and imperfections. :-)

  17. It's beautiful and congratulations for sticking to it!


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