
Saturday 12 January 2019

What An Annoyance

I changed my template a couple of weeks ago and left it running for a few weeks to see how I liked it.

Well, that did not work. I chose one of the newer templates for its clean look and design and started cleaning up the blog a bit.  Initially I was not getting any comments which is not unusual as I am a fairly smallish blogger and have been a bit inconsistent of late.

Yesterday though I started looking at that and realised that with the new template I also imported the problem that occurred with comment notification earlier in 2018. I did fix this then, but the new template created exactly the same problem so it needed fixing again. I did eventually get it to work somewhat, however could not test the commenting properly as it would not allow me to leave a comment on my own blog. Nor did it provide for leaving a reply to comments on the blog. Very annoying. The whole commenting only seemed to work if I put 'word verification' on but even then it did not allow me to comment myself.

So, if people did try to leave comments in between and were not able to, I apologise...I did not even realise this until yesterday.

In looking at the new template, I also had some issues with getting into my blog. Very great as it looked for the reader, for me it meant another 3 clicks to get to the settings of my blog which I started to find a bit of a hassle. I had to really think about how I use the blog and realised that I use the blog mainly as a resource to record what I am working on, keeping information in one place and socialising in cyber space. Again with the new template that was a bit clunky and I started to put all the buttons and things I needed on the side bar making it all very crowded and probably defeating the purpose of that very clean look. In the end I decided to go back to my old template of which I had kept a back-up copy as I have got all the information on one page without having to muck around looking for it.

Blogger is intensely annoying...I do not understand why they have not fixed the commenting issue. Even with the old template it will now only allow me to comment on my own blog when I use the pop up window set up with word verification. Will investigate this a bit more, but for now, I am hoping that everything is back to normal.



  1. Hallo Karin,
    ich hoffe Deine Probleme mit Blogger und PC sind bald behoben .
    Liebe Grüße

  2. I feel blogger is so cumbersome. Nothing is ever easy. I wish it was more user friendly.

  3. I had trouble with comments after some recent changes to my blog but I thought the issue was G+ comments was enabled - I better go and check if my issues are resolved now...
    Monika from Himmelgarten Quilts


Hi...thanks for stopping by and commenting. Very much appreciated! I will endeavour to answer all comments via email. Please check that you are not a no-reply blogger as there is no way of responding to you (other than by reply on the blog). If you need help with this issue, please head for Tutorials for a link on how to fix this issue.