
Thursday 21 March 2019

Just A Bit Of Freemotion Quilting

My wholecloth is finished! Now it's a matter of washing it, blocking it, then the binding and getting it ready for show (yes, decided to put it in the show after all this work). I will show you a picture when it is hanging up! As usual I am not sure what it looks like...after months of stitching I tend to loose all perspective.
At the moment I am struggling with a title...I really find it extraordinary hard to name my quilts...just cannot think of something other then 'frilly' or 'lots of thread' or 'simplicity'. This is going to be painful.

Took a break and watched the Handiquilter Live video with Jamie Wallen and Vicki Hoth. This was all about feathers and how Jamie fits them into a block, about 50 min. long. Really worthwhile watching as he explained the different types of feathers and how you can practice them and then he moved on to the blocks. Really enjoyed this video and today stitched out one of his designs. I think he called it a lotus flower in bloom. 
Really like the look of this, particularly the thread build up. Was actually not too difficult to stitch out. Like he suggested I drew it out first, but had to go back to his supplied PDF to remind myself how it was done...but once you done it a few times, it all makes sense. Very enjoyable little exercise.

Then I continued on my Challenge Quilt...already running 2 months behind. This time it was a grid with a cathedral window design inside which will be surrounded by some swirls (which I am yet to do). 
I regret getting the grey version of this kit as I am having lots of problems seeing my stitches on the black fabric (even with new glasses). Should have gone with my usual thread choice which would have called for contrast but everybody else is using blend-in colours so I thought I just go along with that. Well, all you can really see is the texture, so this is a great choice when you are trialling a new design because you won't see a thing!
Machine is working well...I have done about 2600000 stitches! Hard to believe...booked her in for the recommended service in May so will need to get some stitching done before that if I don't want to fall further behind.



  1. I took a 4 hour class with Jamie on March 2 at the MAQF in Hampton, VA. He is awesome! I am going to check out the video you have the link for. If you subscribe to the Quilt Show (.com), there are at least two videos of his there also. Can't wait to see your finished quilt.

  2. Beautiful quilting, Karin. I would love to watch those videos. Thanks for letting us know!

  3. Hi! Love your blog, and have been reading forever.
    Here's an idea about names: name it after a song you are reminded of or really like. I have 1 quilt called, "Stars Fell on Alabama" after the song; 1 called "What a Fool Believes", and 1 called "Outta My Head".
    Just an idea...thanks for all the posts re: Pfaff QE 4.2!


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