
Wednesday 8 May 2019

Not Much Happening Over Here

I seem to have gone into hibernation mode! Really struggling at the moment and literally have to drag myself to do the simplest thing. Total creative standstill!

I have to prepare my quilt for the show and need to produce labels, cover up for the label, sleeve and so forth. You would think that this is a quick affair but I am always dragging my feet with that. Also discovered that I do not have any backing fabric left for the I went searching the internet, by now several times over, and yep, it is not being made anymore (at least over here in Australia). I will have to use calico which really annoys me, but there is nothing I can do about this.

Also was on my last sheet of Inkjet Printable Fabrics sheets, so today I carefully printed out the label ...progress! Really need to get this done in the next week or so. I will be glad when this quilt is off my hands and I will not see it again until the show which is in the beginning of July. I will post some pictures then...should look good.

Apart from this, I have been keeping up with my monthly HQ challenge quilt that we are doing with our local HQ group. This month's task finished!
There is a grid in there amongst this very black patch! 

My machine will go for service next week which I am a bit nervous about, giving that it is running so well. I have had the HQ Sweet 16 now for approx. 2 years and I have around 2700000 stitches on the clock. Yep, definitely is due for a service, but I am telling you it's running like a dream. Hopefully it will be running even better when it comes back, as I will be starting another wholecloth.

In the meantime I will do a bit of applique, I think...


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