
Tuesday 13 August 2019

Image Gallery

Finally found a blog that explained how to do a simple image gallery. For a long time I have been mucking around with trying to get images sitting next to each other with little success. I do find that a bit of a nuisance on blogger. Then I stumbled upon Liliflora Pretty who put up a post in 2016 on how to add a simple image gallery to blogger. When looking at this I thought that this almost looked too simple, but tried it anyway...

and tada, how easy was that...

Now this was particularly easy as I knew that I had reduced and cropped those images to the same size, so it looks pretty good. No hassle, just copying a few codes...very simple.

I then went ahead and set up my Quilt Gallery (see tab above). I previously kept all my finishes under the tab 'My Quilts' but was never happy with this as the quilts were all arranged underneath each other. I also had not kept this up-to-date, so over the last week I went through my whole blog looking at what quilts I had done, adding captions with the name of the quilt and the year of making. That was quite interesting actually as you could see how my taste has changed over the years.  Also it showed how I slowly but surely became hopelessly addicted to FMQ. The images are all different sizes and shapes which makes this gallery not quite as neat as above but it still looks ok, I think...anyway, better than it was. I am sure there is a way of making all your images the same size but I was not game enough to really start mucking around with that for fear of messing it all up again.

If you are in search for a simple image gallery or just want to be able to put images next to each other in your post have a look at the link provided above.



  1. Thanks heaps for this, this will come in helpful both in my professional role (duh - why did I never researching such a tool?!) and for my quilting blog (Himmelgarten Quilts). Now I'll go off an admire your quilts in your gallery :)

  2. Thanks Monika...let me know what you think 🤔


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