
Sunday 27 October 2019


Got an email from the 2019 Finish-A-Long host Marci of Marci Girl Designs the other day telling me that I had won the Hillstitches $30 Fabnric Voucher in the Q3 link up.


Did not expect this and was really surprised. A very public 'thank you' to the hosts of this great event, the 2019 Finish-A-Long, and also to Hillstitches for their generous sponsorship of the event.

So off I went to have a look at Hillstitches. Did not know this online business and was even more surprised when I found out that the owner, Emma, hails from Australia, based about an hour away from Melbourne. This was of course great as it meant that my postage would be reasonable (although you can never be sure with Australia Post).

I thorougly enjoyed going through Emma's little shop. There was heaps of eye candy of course and I went through the whole shop several times as I could not decide what to get. In the end I settled on a Fabric Bundle of Fat Sixteenth (most bundles had a choice of Fat Quarter, Fat Eights or Fat Sixteenth). After some thought I decided to give the Fat Sixteenth option a go, possibly using this for another Fox quilt. A Fat Sixteenth should be just enough to make a face. We shall see...if that does not work, I came up with another few options.

This is what I ordered (actually ordered a little bit more as some items were on sale, but this is the main thing)

Image from
How beautiful is that fabric! It has a number of different designers in there and I really liked the colour arrangement.

Must say I went several times through the shop filling up my cart with possible choices, then going back in and taking stuff off again as I was getting overly greedy, then adding more fabric on again...spent several hours doing this going through the fabrics by designers, fabric bundles, wall of colour and some of the other options on the web site. The fabrics were a mix of modern and traditional, carefully selected it seemed, and beautifully presented. Loved it! Definitely will be coming back.

Thanks again to Emma from Hillstitches for the voucher and the 2019 Finish-A-Long  for hosting this great event


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