
Monday, 17 February 2020

Ruler of the Month Club 5

The Wiggly Wave Ruler

Initially I thought...oh, not another wave! ...but, there are some cool things you can do with this one

First try
...and then there is this
How cool are those semmingly overlapping lines! Can't lay claim to that idea, saw it on the Handiquilter Ruler of the Month Club 5 video. Also really liked the first design on the right, one line stitched out with the ruler and then the first and third line freemotionquilted with a circle in it around it. that would look really nice in a narrower sashing.

1 comment:

  1. You got some great designs out of that wiggly wave ruler. I'm going to my quilt shop to see what cool rulers she has in stock. I have a few gift cards I can use!


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