
Tuesday 25 January 2022

Bird on the Wire Wall Hanging

Running behind in my blog. Here is a quick shot of the finished wall hanging.

Still have the binding and hanging sleeve to do. Turned out nice however I would have liked my batting with a bit more loft. It is just too flat and the heavy background quilting just about obliterates some of the feathering. Obviously did not think that through well enough. I had used a heavier thread to do the feathers and thought that that would be enough. Did not really think too much about the loft. Well, live and learn.

Here is the wall hanging that I did some years ago.

I thought that it would give me a bit of a comparison of 'then and now'...but not really. They are both quite nice, but different, as I got a bit carried away in the current one with all those feather variations, so cannot really compare the two.

Now onto the next Bethanne Nemesh Feather Fiesta class we are up to her signature backfill 'Nemeshing'. Had a bit of a play already and must say that it is just great...flows...comes relatively easy and just looks great. Bit of a messy practice piece, but have a look at the border about half way down. Stitched that out without any marks and relatively quickly in one go. Perfect organic border treatment. Loved doing that.
Will stitch out a small printed panel next with this backfill. Should be interesting.


1 comment:

  1. I love your new bird on a wire piece. I think we all have been there done that with the batting.


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