
Friday 26 August 2022

Another UFO Spotted!

Well, in my efforts to clean up a bit and get some order happening in the many spots that I seem to stash fabric, I stumbled across this UFO. It is Elizabeth Hartman's 'Kitten' pattern.

Can't actually remember when I started this, but I do remember that I started this with great gusto. Well, I managed to make 3 blocks before this became a UFO!

The inspiration came from our feline friends, Abby and Pixie

This is Abby

This is Pixie

I had this fabric range I once purchased in a sale which was just perfect to bring out the colours of those cats, so off I went starting this quilt. Even had many of my strips and bitses and pieces pre-cut and neatly stored away in a plasic bag, all ready to go...(marvelled at my organisation and structure at this point😼)
Not sure what doubt I got side tracked and started something else thinking obviously that I would get back to this quilt. Hardly ever happens. 

So today I had a good look at it because I was unsure whether I had any of the background fabric left as this was not stored away with the rest of the fabric. Thinking that I maybe just started on a whim, not thinking about the sashing that will have to go in between the blocks, I went through my fabric. Eventually found the background fabric which was a relief. I did sit down and pieced another cat which took me about an hour and a bit. The quilt consists of 30 blocks, so I am thinking that if I do maybe just two blocks per week, I will eventually get this done. Unsure whether I will have enough fabric for 30 blocks, but I will get a quilt out of this. Would be a pity to just leave it, as I obviously spent some time cutting my strips and other pieces ready to go. This might be a good task to do on weekends in the evening instead of vegging out in front of the television.

Here are the four cats that I have so far...
Will put this on my goal list next week, I think.


1 comment:

  1. This is so cute!! Your inspiration kitties are beautiful.


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