
Wednesday 10 August 2022

To Do Tuesday Link Up

It's Wednesday and I am ready to link up to To Do Tuesday hosted by Texas Quilt Gal.

Last week I set myself the following tasks:
📌Attach binding to one panel and hand sew to the back of the quilt.
📌Quilt the second panel and attach binding.
📌If time allows, complete one more block of my Elizabeth Hartmann wall hanging

Here is how I went:

Did finish off one panel, binding and all
It looks lovely with the bigger clam shells on it. I used a 60/40 Wool/Polyester batting and the quilt is nicely lightweight and fluffy.

Also made progress on the second panel...finished attaching the binding and am currently hand sewing it onto the back. Really feel that I need to learn how to sew this on by is taking forever even though these are small quilts.

Got majorly side tracked again and completed two more blocks of my Elizabeth Hartman wall hanging, which is just a portion of the Fancy Forest pattern, namely Hazel, the hedgehog and Frances, the fire fly.

Here is the hedgehog
Love this block! Lost a bit in the seam allowance at the bottom but will be able to fudge that out with the sashing that will go in between. Having finished this I finally sat down to do the fire fly. Dreaded this block as it looked very involved. While I love Elizabeth Hartman's patterns, I do not enjoy piecing with that many small pieces! So, I pieced my little heart out over the last two days, going incredibly slow and deliberate, measuring, making sure everything was right, but mistakes do creep in very quickly by not getting the orientation right.
This is an absolute bummer when it happens as it means that you have to do the whole unit again...not enjoyable at all! Also interesting to me as a pattern writer: I do not read the text in a pattern at all, just follow the important to have good diagrams in your patterns.

Well, made it to the end and here it is, the fire fly

Not being the greatest piecer in general, this was an absolute nightmare for me (worse than Lana the Lemur which I thought was rather involved), however it turned out sort of ok. I have got a bit of a mis-aligned strip in the middle on the left but there was not much I could do to even that out, as it was more important to focus in on making the block as straight as possible as it is rather large. Overall I am really quite happy with it...given the different fabrics used, the little misalignment is only noticeable when you focus in on it, so I am going to leave it. This wall hanging is just for my sewing room, so it will do...finished is better than perfect! I thought that was it but noticed I still have to do another Fox block which will be a breeze after this.
For next Tuesday I have got the following tasks lined up
📌Finish off the hand sewing of the binding on the second panel.
📌Not sure this counts, but I will have to spend some time to put up the first panel as a listing in my Etsy shop...that always takes a moment as you have to be fairly specific in what you write, what photos you use  and how in general you present your item.
📌Continue on my Elizabeth Hartman wall hanging by making the last fox block and putting the sashings in between. Who knows...I might even get it basted. Can't wait to freemotion quilt this one!

Linking up to To Do Tuesday over at Texas Quilt Gal to see what other people are up to. Thanks to Linda for hosting this link up, it definitely helped me to stay on track and get some things done.



  1. I have to say I can’t see any misalignment in the firefly. I really
    Ike the hedge hog. It makes me want to see if I have that particular Hartman pattern. But I really don’t need to start stuff….I need to finish what I have started…congratulations on finishing a panel and making progress on another.

  2. Ooh, I'm sorry the piecing wasn't very fun but the results look great to me! Unless I missed it, have you tried using sizing? I don't mind some little pieces and will make some fairly tiny quilts here and there but not something I'd have the patience to do very often!

  3. Oh ugh on the complicated piecing but it turned out soooo cute! And I love the hedgehog. I don't read the text either, even though the pattern always insists that I read through it all before beginning. I need a good, accurately labeled diagram, or I'm lost.
    I'm so glad you shared with us at To Do Tuesday!


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