
Wednesday 7 September 2022

To Do Tuesday - 6/9/22

Well, here are last weeks' goals
📌Make at least one more cat block
📌Put up another listing in my Etsy shop for the second quilted baby panel that I made. Need to do some photos and work on the listing. Hopefully we will have a few sunny days so that I can take some decent photos. It has been very rainy over here.
📌Finish the quilting of the Elizabeth Hartman wall hanging 
📌Ambitious, but I should be making a start on the four charity quilts that need to be quilted. Maybe I could get one at least to the basting stage. Picked them up at least 3 weeks ago.
📌Prepare the sleeve for the show quilt.

...and this is what actually happened!

Finished the Elizabeth Hartman wall hanging

Turned out ok however not sure I would background quilt it like that again. I think I prefer to do just an allover design over all those open seams. But one has to try these things to find out...

Also managed to put up my listing for the last panel in my Etsy shop. Photos were a hassle as it is still quite rainy over here which means a lot of shadowing.

But here it is, all customary photo on the green bench beneath the kitchen window.
I have no more panels left which is great. My obsession with cutsey baby quilt panels is just a bit ridiculous. Luckily the next quilt show is not until November so no chance of getting any more panels if I manage to stay away from the quilt shops.

And that is all I have done for this week! Not much but at least I am working my way through my lists.

My goals for next week are:
📌Make at least one cat block during the week for my Elizabeth Hartman Kitten quilt
📌Make a start on the charity quilts with the aim to get at least one done.
📌Make a sleeve for the show quilt

1 comment:

  1. Haha on your panel obsession - but gosh you make such pretty hangings, especially that cute giraffe one. I love your Elizabeth Hartman wall hanging!
    Thank you for joining with us at To Do Tuesday - love seeing your things!


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