
Thursday, 16 February 2023

To do Tuesday - 14/2/23

A little bit late but things have been a bit hectic around here.

My goals for this week were
- deliver the charity quilts to the quilting group and pick up some new quilts✅
- finish off the ditching of the new pattern
- start to write up the pattern, probably concentrating on the diagrams in the first place as this takes the longest
-make a bit of a plan what I want to achieve for myself over the next 6 months...I have got about five quilt tops ready to quilt and a wholecloth design. I feel I need to make some decisions around what to do next as I get frequently side tracked with other stuff and my quilt tops usually stay behind. That wholecloth design (which is almost ready), for example, has been on my to-do-list for at least a year and a half and absolutely nothing has happened. 

Well, not too bad considering that we are also preparing for a wedding next week which has necessitated several trips to the city.

My new pattern is up and running. Very happy with that as the write up was a bit more involved than usual. You would not really think so as the quilt looks very simple, but as this is a custom layout I included a lot of little diagrams on how to piece this together. I do go by what I find easiest and I must admit, if I look at a pattern, I usually go by the pictures rather than any text.

Well, here it is - the Starbright Baby Quilt

The quilt is 34-1/2in x 44-1/2in. I only used minimal quilting as I liked the clean, crisp look of it.

With that done, I am now going to concentrate on my wholecloth design for a few weeks I think. I will not put any goals down for next week as it will be just too busy.

Linking up to Quilt Schmilt for the To Do Tuesday Linky Party...see you again in two weeks!


1 comment:

  1. Karin Star Baby is stunning! I love the crisp look your minimal quilting has given to the finished quilt. You made great progress on your list in spite of having to travel in to the city more. I hope this week has gone as well. I'm looking forward to seeing your wholecloth project. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday.


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