
Tuesday, 2 January 2024

To Do Tuesday #55 - Re-Emerging!

Wishing everybody a Happy New Year!

The last few weeks have been incredibly busy and I really felt that Christmas had become just that little bit more frantic and labour intensive than in previous years. But we made it...lots of good food, good company and generally a very nice time. Spent today putting all the Christmas decorations away...thought about sorting them out a bit for about a second, but nah...just stuffed them back in their boxes. That task can wait to next Christmas 😏

I did manage to finish one more charity quilt off just before Christmas. It was a scrappy little thing with a very thin batting...I think it was a cotton/poly mix...perfect for doing a quick clamshell once over. Never fails.

In the last few days I had a look at what else I picked up from the charity group (the Orange Tree Quilters) and came across this
That is really cute and I basted this today, ready to be quilted. I will do another edge-to-edge design over it to try out a new design that I bought from Urban Elementz a couple of weeks ago. It is titled 'Happy Times', measuring 5-1/4in wide by Hermione Agee.
I bought this especially for little baby quilts. It is a nice and open design which should be easy to stitch out and to remove the paper. I enlarged this ever so slightly to 5-1/2in and have printed out multiple copies, ready to be sticky-taped together.

Apart from this I also started a new sock!
This will be for my daughter. When I first started to get into the sock knitting, I bought a few balls of wool and this now has to be used up before I start anything new.

But wait...I got some new wool for Christmas...also for socks.
This is a skein of wool that we had seen on one of our many outings to the wool shop. Just gorgeous! So that will be the next pair of socks for me for winter.

For this week I am planning to 
- complete the dinosaur charity quilt using the edge-to-edge design from above.
- continue knitting my brown sock
- developing a plan of attack in terms of projects for the coming months. I know that I do want to start my wholecloth but also need to be working on some patterns for my Etsy shop, so that needs to be thought through a bit.

I am linking up to To Do Tuesday #55 over at Quilt Schmilt.

Also, just to let people know. I am having some problems not with leaving comments on other blogs but with the comment notification that people would get once I left a comment. On some blogs it works but on many I am now getting the emails rejected. Had a look at that with my husband over Christmas and worked out that this has to do with the authentication of emails, however we have been unable to fix this from our end. It is really quite weird as I am able to respond to emails from other blog users as I did test that out with one kind reader the other day. Also noticed that this happens on the desk top but did not happen the other day from the Ipad, so will try to leave my comments using the Ipad and see whether this works consistently. Interested to hear whether other people have encountered this problem. 



  1. I'm glad you had a good holiday! The charity quilts are very cute.

  2. The holiday does seem to get crazier each year, even when you try to back off more than the year before. Good luck with your goals for this week. That dinosaur panel is going to be really cute when finished. Sometimes comments show up in Blogger to be approved that didn't show up as an email. It's kinda hit or miss as to who it affects. Once I approve them in Blogger, I'll get an email of the comment. Not sure if that's related to your issue or not.

  3. Every Christmas I think back over to see how I could've made things go more smoothly. We did pretty well this year but there were a few moments, and Christmas Day just flew by. Sigh! I love to see your knitting! I have some things I need to finish, and plenty of yarn that's getting old (dear Lord, please don't let there be moths or anything in them!!) so I really should get on that. I would love to be able to buy new when out and about--like our trip to WI a few years ago--some amazing stuff at a huge Farmer's Market! Clearly I'm still regretting not getting any but I totally applaud the Finishes Come First mentality!

  4. Your charity quilt is lovely. And that is a very fun panel. That's generous of you.

  5. Lovely charity quilts. Karin your new panto will be perfect for quilts. It’s one of my favourites. Love the socks! Thank you for linking with TDT. Happy New Year and good luck on your goals


Hi...thanks for stopping by and commenting. Very much appreciated! I will endeavour to answer all comments via email. Please check that you are not a no-reply blogger as there is no way of responding to you (other than by reply on the blog). If you need help with this issue, please head for Tutorials for a link on how to fix this issue.