
Wednesday, 7 February 2024

To Do Tuesday #60

Here I am again. Missed the last week and also saw that I again forgot to make a list of what goals I was thinking about. Yep, it's all in my head...and that is probably the reason why I get so confused at times.

I have not continued on my wholecloth following the disaster with the brown lines, however will put that on the list for the following week as I do need to get 'back on the horse' and start the marking otherwise that thing will never be done.

Finished my latest pattern

Its a cute little quilt that I quilted with an edge-to-edge design again as I just could not face doing all the ditch quilting this would have required. The design is called 'Ginger Snap' from Apricot Moon Designs available through Urban Elementz. The pattern would be suitable for intermediate quilters as it involves some Foundation Piecing. Maybe not the best pattern to put up there however once I had started it I felt compelled to finish it to see what that looked like. It is very bright and I am just in the process of putting the bright blue binding on...a perfect little boy quilt. Then I will have to knuckle down to write up the pattern.

In terms of my planning for the year, I am already behind. Will have to get going on the pile of charity quilts that I have sitting there and also have not done a block on my Fox quilt. And already I am being lured by a small online workshop...I think I have to stop looking at the internet, it is just too full of really great ideas.

So, for the coming week I will
- start marking my wholecloth quilt again; the new fabric is washed and ready to go so there really is not any excuse not to go ahead.
- work on writing the pattern for the little baby quilt above; in terms of time line, that should take no more than 2 weeks
- baste one more charity quilt
- look at that online workshop and see where I can build this in...

Linking up to To Do Tuesday #60 over at Quilt Schmilt



  1. Very bright and fun quilt. Very graphic, having those blocks pieced on an angle is really cool. Good luck with your list this week.

  2. That would be a great quilt for Project Linus. Boy quilts are not as easy to do as girl quilt due to most fabric being girlie. Nice quilt. dorthac at aol dot com


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