
Tuesday 8 January 2013

Freemotion Quilting Linky Party

SewCalGal is holding a Freemotion Quilting  Linky Party during January.

I did not officially participate in the 2012 Freemotion Quilting Challenge...not because I did not want to but I just had to restrict myself in terms of the number of things that I was committing myself to at the time. Also, I had just started blogging and I must say, felt somewhat overwhelmed with the variety of projects that were directly speaking to me...a bit of inspiration overload.

I did however follow the Freemotion Quilting Challenge from month to month and did try out a number of things. All the tutorials were of such a high standard and I did learn a lot from them.

Here are some of the things I tried:

Diane Gaudynski's tutorial on feathers was the missing link for me...I finally managed to produce some decent looking feather shapes. Well, maybe not that decent looking in this picture, but I really felt that I was actually getting the shape. Following the tutorial I did continue to practice feathers throughout the year. While I probably still have a way to go, it certainly provided a solid foundation to work from and I did improve over the course of the year. Also discovered that I do better my my Machinger gloves off when I FMQ at a lower speed.

Also tried the Jester design from Wendy Sheppard during the August tutorial.
A fun design which I no doubt will use again.

Angela Walter's tutorial in July inspired me. Her tiling design was interesting and a fun way to jazz things up a bit. I went on a tangent here and ended up getting her book 'Freemotion Quilting'. This was another one of those occasions when things just clicked for me. I practiced the Concentric circles and discovered another one of her designs, the Swirled Hook which I had tried to 'get' unsucessfully for some time...for some reason her illustrations and explanations worked for me and after some practice I can honestly say that I now can do this design in my sleep. A very versatile design that works particularly well in sashings but also as a filler.

Cindy Needham's tutorial in June provided me with the idea to try her simple lines in the background of my little cat wall hanging. What a revelation...this worked fantastic and quickly and efficiently flattened out an area and bonus... looked absolutely stunning. Also taught me to let go of my need to be perfect as the lines are neither completely straight nor consistent.

Well, and then there is this little beauty

The December challenge with Patsy Thompson. I already posted about this before but just had to include this here again. I was so inspired, sat down and literally did this challenge straight away. This, i.e. quilting in borders,  is something I have struggled with for a while in terms of deciding re designs or simply having a go  at something a bit different...I was absolutely amazed at the outcome and am planning to do this again on a bit of a nicer piece of fabric...after doing the first 5 borders I also finally managed to tackle my own personal little challenge: to quilt some continuous feathers all around, something I had wanted to do for a long time and it worked absolutely perfectly. Even did some of Patsy Thompson's in-lining of the feathers and the motif in the middle (her little video was absolutely excellent). This was such a good practice piece to do and I learned heaps from completing it. Needless to say, discovered Patsy Thompson's webpage ...I think there will be a lot more feather quilting coming up for me.

While I have not mentioned all of the tutorials here, there was definitely something from each and every one that I took away, i.e. I just went the other day and bought some black netting to try Don Linn's way of marking designs on fabric...

In terms of tips...I reckon...PPP - Patience, Persistence and Practice.

Thanking SewCalGal and all her contributors for this amazing learning experience. Very much appreciated and I no doubt will continue to refer to the tutorials for as long as they are available on the net. Would encourage anybody to have a go and try out some of the designs or just read up on the advice that is provided in the tutorials. Brilliant.

Linking up to SewCalGal's FMQ Linky Party.



  1. Wow, it is fun to see some of your FMQ work from this past year. I really like seeing a bunch of it together. All of it is beautiful. You did a great job.

    Of course, I'm a bit partial to your cat. Perfect FMQ for that project! I hope you'll enter that piece in Lilypad's Quilting Pets on Quilts Show this coming summer. Fun event and great prizes. Here is a link to Jacque's delightful blog: Dates are not yet set for the 2013 Pets on Quilts Show, but sometime this summer.


  2. Thanks...yes, I did participate in the Pets on Quilt Show last year, but had not considered my cat wall hanging. Great idea...I had a lot of fun going through all the entries last year...

  3. Wow, you say you didn't actively participate in the Challenge, but you certainly did much of it, and beautifully! Your December challenge piece is fabulous!

  4. Thanks...yes, when I went through I was surprised how much of it I actually did complete or at least tried out.

    By the way, some stunning quilts that you are show casing on your blog. Just beautiful!

  5. Your FMQ looks wonderful! I think you've done a great job all year long. You may have not followed SewCalGal every month but you seem to have kept up quilt well. I wanted to do Leah Day's but just couldn't do both.

  6. Thanks Rosemary...yes, I concentrated solely on FMQ last year which was great but also meant that I did not produce a major quilting project during the year. I want to continue with FMQ but also want to complete some of my own quilts this year. I looked at Leah Day's Goddess quilt and as much as I would like to immerse myself I decided that I needed to do my own designs first this year. I will still participate in the FMQ Friday but first I need to produce some quilts to do some FMQ on.


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