
Wednesday 9 January 2013

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

WIP No 1: On-going Adventure Quilt

Working away on my foundation-pieced colour quilt. Colour placement is actually much harder than I thought...without fail I produced blocks that presented a bit of a thorn to my eyes when placed in their position...too much of one colour in one spot or the arrangement itself is not to my liking.

Anyway, I am getting there. I think this will be just a wall hanging. The array of colours is just a bit overwhelming and I decided that I would like the colour wheel section in the middle to be the centre of attention. If I continue with the quilt in scrap fashion as I originally envisaged, I think I will loose the whole point of this. As you can see I am definitely overthinking this...

The border will be black to make those colours really stand out but also to do some FMQ in light thread all over it. Really looking forward to this. Actually having some withdrawal symptoms as I have not done any FMQ for a few weeks and am in need of a finish so I can set up my machine for FMQ.

WIP No 2 : Scrappy Spider Web Quilt

This originated from my by now UFO project, that actually had not really taken off from last year. I started my second string quilt early 2012 to get rid of my scraps and had all good intentions to continue this throughout the year to be ready for Christmas. Well, that just did not happen...

As I have done a string quilt before, I felt the need for something a bit different but still easy enough to just have going on the side for those times when one does not feel for anything too complex. I have always liked the spider web quilts and decided to start on this. In terms of construction I considered the way that it was shown on the Craftsy BOM last year, but decided in the end to produce a template for the kite shape to cut down on the measuring (yep, I am a bit of a lazy quilter). I used Muslin as the foundation, so all I had to do was to place my kite shape over the triangle, draw two lines and off I went...worked very well and gave me adequate accuracy. Having completed a block I am now considering whether this will be too heavy...the muslin adds a fair bit of weight and bulk to the block.  Alternatively, I could cut out the muslin kite shape using my little template and use the thin interfacing that I normally use for string piecing. I definitely do not want to use paper...I want this to be a project on the side, where you can just sit and add strips without much thinking.

Has anybody used the Muslin as a foundation ? Be interested to hear about the weight issue.

PS. Yep, tried the interfacing and it cuts down the weight/bulk by half, I reckon...will demonstrate next time.

Linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Until next time



  1. I think your foundation pieced blocks look great.

  2. Your "getting there" is pretty darn fabulous! I love the black border idea for WIP #1! I have yet to use muslin as a foundation...someday!

    1. Going very slowly at the moment...getting side tracked all the time.

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, it is going to look great. I really love scrappy quilts. That is what got me into quilting in the first place.


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