
Tuesday, 8 August 2023

To Do Tuesday #32

Short week for me today as my last entry was on a Thursday. Anyway, here is my list from last week:
- finish the FMQ on my table runner
- sew the second scrap quilt together
- if time allows, maybe get one of the scrap quilts basted
- make a start on my table runner workshop handout - not sure yet how much work this will involve, hopefully I can at least look at it and work out what I need to do, i.e structure, diagrams etc.

Yes, OMG I finished that table runner (except for the binding). Certainly was dragging my feet with that one. Just did not feel like it as I had done another one earlier in the year.
...and a close up
I re-did my feather spray after all. Just annoyed me looking at it as I was not happy with the shaping. For this piece I chose a blend in thread colour. Not what I usually do and I must say I do not like it that much. I think I prefer a more contrasting thread, but just as a second class sample it will do. Will have to get started on the handout for this class, something I am also dragging my feet with.

On the positive side, I finished the sewing together of the second scrap quilt.
Did correct my initial layout mistakes, so this took a couple of days of undoing some blocks that were the wrong way around, but it got done. Very striking little quilt. Have my backing and wadding all sorted, so it is just a matter of putting it all together. Looking forward to quilting the scrap quilts.

Then I finished the FMQ of a little wall-hanging, i.e. a children's growth chart panel. Got two of these panels at the last quilt show and thought that they make nice and quick little projects to be included in my Etsy shop. Had the piece already basted and ready to go and quilted this in a couple of hours this afternoon. Even got the binding done. Will still need to make a small hanging sleeve but that should not take that long.

So, very productive last few days.

For the remainder of the week I need to
- start my handout for the class in earnest to see how much work is involved in that
- if time allows, baste one of the scrap quilts
- sew the binding to that little growth chart wall hanging and construct a hanging sleeve. 

Linking up to To Do Tuesday #32 over at Quilt Schmilt



  1. Wow! Your quilting on the table runner is fantastic! Love that scrap quilt and the cute growth chart! You’ll have a great week!

  2. It was a good week for you! The quilting on that table runner is just beautiful and your scrappy one looks like a lot of fun!

  3. What a lovely table runner! I understand dragging one's feet, but what a finish! Your scrap and growth chart are both looking good.


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