
Wednesday, 16 August 2023

To Do Tuesday #33

So this was my list from last week:

For the remainder of the week I need to
- start my handout for the class in earnest to see how much work is involved in that
- if time allows, baste one of the scrap quilts
- sew the binding to that little growth chart wall hanging and construct a hanging sleeve. 

Nothing better than a bit of pressure. Finished my handout...finally! When I talked to the lady from the sewing shop, she said she needed it by the end of the month. Well, that got me going. Finished instructions and diagrams in record time.

I did pin one of my scrap quilts but did not take a photo, so you have to take my word for it. Thought that I would get around to basting it today but am mucking around on the computer too long. It is already late afternoon, so I think I will start this tomorrow.

Did finish my little wall hanging and the listing is up in my Etsy shop

Glad that's done...always takes a while to get that right. Spent a few days on taking photos. I recently bought some lights and had not tried them out as yet. Lost about a day when photographing with the lights as I basically have no idea, so I had all sorts of issues with where to put the light, how much light etc. Very challenging indeed. Spent another day taking the photos in more natural light as the mornings were quite sunny and then had to go through some editing. Got enough good photos out of that to put up in my listing. Definitely need to practice more with the lights.

It's quite a cute little wall hanging, measuring 14.5in x 42.5in. As usual I chose a clamshell design to go over it. I just love that for baby quilts. Had just enough fabric for the binding, so I made it a definite 1/4in binding. Looks very nice with its rainbow colours.

Have another one of those panels that I purchased on impulse at a recent quilt show. Always sounds like a great idea, but when you are doing it, it always takes twice as long. With this panel I had to spent quite some time straightening it up to get it into an exact rectangle shape. Then the binding which came with the panel was just enough, only had a slither left after cutting it. And then, of course, I had to do a hanging sleeve. Did not consider that at all when I bought it! Probably will leave the other panel for another few months.

For next week I am planning to
- baste one of the scrap quilts on the machine and start the quilting. Will do a Baptist Fan design over it, so that will take a bit of time but I am really looking forward to it.
- clean up the sewing room a bit. Following the last few weeks with working on several projects, it is rather messy and I do need uncluttered space around me when quilting.
- construct another hanging sleeve for a wall hanging that has been sitting behind my sewing machine for the last two years at least (can you believe it?).
- finish off my beanie!

Linking up to To Do Tuesday #33 over at Quilt Schmilt 



  1. I've been thinking about buying lights but gosh I'm tired of investing on photography for my Etsy! And yet I'm kind of at a standstill until the weather and "just the perfect cloudy day" cooperate. I totally feel you on all of that. Nothing like wasting a day to get the right pics!

  2. Yes, photographing and then editing the photos can definitely eat up a lot of time! You are reminding me that I still have not put a sleeve on that Christmas quilt I finished last year and, despite the ridiculous heat wave we’re in right now, the holidays will be here before we know it…. Do you think I can start a new trend where it becomes chic to just use safety pins to attach a quilt to a hanging rod?


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