Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Pastel Baby Quilt

I did make good on my intention to use that very old pastel leftover fabric to construct another little baby quilt. This is what I came up with

...affectionately called 'The Ugly Duckling'
Not super fantastic, but that's all that I had. Cut the leftovers of the pastel fabric into 3-1/2in squares, added some whites and then put it into that very simple layout using up all of the dusty pink fabric.

Now to make it spectacular...

Used a ruler from Bethanne Nemesh to put some simple curves into the squares. The ruler is called Lilac Lines and got that S curve on the end. It fits both a 3in square and a 2in square.
Working with it is not difficult however given that you are working on such a smallish defined edge there is some slippage. I counter act that with having the Handiquilter grips on the back but in addition also put that white grippy material under it to make doubly sure that it does not slip.
You could of course do this design freehand but it just comes out so pristine with the ruler
Was reasonably fast as you can do this design continuously.

Looks really nice and even. Have done more work on it in the week, but forgot to take a photo. I filled the narrow sashing with strings of pearls, but then had to wait as I needed to order more thread in the particular colour Aurifil 50/2 (2420-Blush) I was quilting with. 

While the thread has arrived by now, I also have continued on my background filler project which has not been fun as it does not want to flow. Today I spent some more time planning that project out and did a bit more quilting on it, but it is going super slow. Will finish what is on that bobbin and then get back to the pastel quilt to finish off the border. Planning to put a playful feather arrangement into the border, which should be good fun.

Feeling slightly stressed with all the projects I have on the go (and I seem to be adding new ones as we speak). With Christmas approaching the weeks are getting busier and much to do! I am hoping to knock off the background filler project over the Christmas period as this is the one that is dragging me down and holding me up. Hopefully with all the planning I did around that today, it should get a bit easier!


Thursday, 14 November 2024

To Do Tuesday #99

A few weeks ago I set the following goals:
- continue making those strippy blocks, so that I can get on cutting out the sashing and put all this together
- continue on the background filler project

Well, I did continue on the strippy quilt and managed to finish the quilt top
It turned out very bright and colourful and I was very happy to have persisted with the orange strips. Initially I thought it would not be enough fabric but then managed to think that through and work out exactly how I could make this work. Had about an inch left of the fabric after cutting! Nervewrecking, but paid off!

After that I did a bit of planning as I am somewhat overwhelmed with all the tasks that I am setting for myself. Also could not do any freemotionquilting as I had a stye in my eye, so could not actually focus on anything. 

My planning was fruitful: made a pledge to myself to dig into my scrap stash for 2025 (see post HERE). Over the last two days then I made a start with that very pastel fabric that I had left over from an earlier project. When I say earlier it usually means years ago and this was no exception. 
Cut the leftovers into 3-1/2in squares with my Accuquilt cutter and sewed it all together in a very simple layout.
Not great, but it is used! The colours are really very pastel, somewhere between pink and apricot and today I had to go hunting for some backing ( I had not bought this fabric myself but had won a whole stack of it in a quilt show years ago...definitely not my colours). This 'ugly, little duckling' will look spectacular once I am finished with it. Planning on enhancing this with some detailed freemotionquilting. At the moment I am thinking playful feathers in the border and curves to de-accentuate the squares. We'll see...

This will be the only quilt I am going to be working on before I get back to my background filler project. I have been stuck with that project for a bit, not just because of my eye but also because I did not like what I had originally planned to do. Yesterday then the solution came to me and I will now continue this probably from next week. I may or may not enter that into a show next year which now has a dead line of end of February so I actually need to get cracking on that. Always nerve wrecking as I am unsure whether that will turn out or not. But really, at the end of the day it does not really matter whether I enter or not. Finished will be great so I can continue with the other projects that I have got sitting there.

So, my tasks are a bit boring for next week:
- pin and baste the little pastel quilt and get started on quilting the center
- draw out a plan of attack for the background filler project, e.g. decide what elements go into what section of the quilt; if time allows, start with the next section that now has found its place.
- make some decisions on which quilt can go up for sale on Etsy and add them as a listing.

Apart from this I want to start preparing for Christmas rather than always leaving everything up to the last minute...haha, famous last words!

Linking up to To Do Tuesday #99 over at Quilt Schmilt


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