My FMQ workshop came and went. It went very well, I think. The content was well received and the ladies had a little bit of fun as well. I always forget to take photos but the owner of the shop, being so much younger than me, always does some reels/stories which she puts on FB and IG. Unfortunately I am always not so sure how I can share this to my FB page or IG and then miss the opportunity to do anything about this.
What have I been doing? Well, I finished my background filler was incredibly hard and at the last moment I decided to put it into the Australian Machine Quilting Festival which will be held here at the end of March. That meant that I had to speed up my quilting and resolve to get this done. Frozen shoulder or not I persevered much to my physio's dismay. In the last week I literally had to quilt for several hours each day to get my entry in by the deadline...and then of course they changed the deadline and gave another week. But it was done and the entry got in on time. Since then I have been working on getting binding and labelling done. Unfortunately I cannot show the quilt to you as yet as you are not supposed to have images of quilt entries on social media. But not long now and I will post some photos of it hanging at the show. They always look good hanging on a dark background. Not sure how it will be received as it looks like one of Bethany Nemesh' quilts which of course makes sense as I was using that quilt as a practice piece for the many designs that we learned in the Breaking Boundaries class. We shall see.
I did also finish my challenge block, an Ohio star, for Lisa Calle's group, however have not quilted it yet and am not sure whether I will manage til the end of the month.
I will probably be late with that finish but it does not matter. I used my favourite William Morris fabric for this so at some stage I will quilt that up nicely.
The other 'thing' that has caused some major excitement in the household is that my eldest daughter is pregnant. We are going to be first time grandparents by the end of August. So, I have been fabric shopping twice already and am looking at what patterns to use for a sweet little girl baby quilt. Found this amazingly cute fabric from Art Gallery Fabrics. Here it is in one of their free patterns on their web siteVery soft colours...gorgeous fabric! Not sure whether I will do a pattern like this, seems a bit too involved for me, so I am looking around for something a bit easier and quicker. Also dragged out another Growth Chart Panel that I happened to have in girlish tones, so will quilt that first so the parents-to-be have a little bit of decoration for their nursery room.
So, as you can see all my plans for this year came to a complete stop in terms of what I had planned but what a lovely surprise that was. With the quilt show approaching, I will be out of action again for a few days as I am also attending a workshop with Bethanne Nemesh and of course there is the Retail Hall. Once that is over hopefully I can get back to some quilting routine.