Last week I undertook to do the following:
📌Finishing the quilting on the Elizabeth Hartman wall hanging
📌Sewing the binding onto the show quilt and preparing the sleeve; also need to think of a title so I can do the online entry.
Almost! Continued on my quilting of the Elizabeth Hartman wall hanging and only have a little bit left to do on the top
Close upWell, the second task is also almost done. Finished the binding on the show quilt and did the online entry. Now I can relax a bit...only need to do the sleeve and label and then wait until I can drop it off. The show is in early November, so still some time to go.
The next few weeks will be quite busy. I am teaching a freemotion-quilting class over 3 weeks and for some reason I also put some socialising into those weeks. All seems a bit full on, but always happens that way. I seem to be just at home doing my own stuff for weeks on end and then all of a sudden there is this flurry of activity outside of the home.
Well, also found another UFO project...the Kitten quilt...posted about it HERE
Made another block...they are just too cute. The blocks are a good size and come together quite quickly so I am going to include these in my weekly goals. I thought that I could do at least one or two blocks per week to knock this off and get it done. This has been sitting around for some years which is just ridiculous.
So, what am I going to plan for this week
📌Make at least one more cat block
📌Put up another listing in my Etsy shop for the second quilted baby panel that I made. Need to do some photos and work on the listing. Hopefully we will have a few sunny days so that I can take some decent photos. It has been very rainy over here.
📌Finish the quilting of the Elizabeth Hartman wall hanging
📌Ambitious, but I should be making a start on the four charity quilts that need to be quilted. Maybe I could get one at least to the basting stage. Picked them up at least 3 weeks ago.
📌Prepare the sleeve for the show quilt.
Lots of bits and pieces to complete, let's see how we go...
Linking up to Texas Quilt Gal for To Do Tuesday 8-30-22