Sunday, 13 October 2013

Go To Jail - I am a Quilter

When I saw the post at Lilypad quilting, I thought it would be fun to link up, but must say I was a bit reluctant, as this would mean I would have to share some mess in the house...

There are quilts everywhere, so I went around the house just shooting pictures as I went around...yep, there is stuff everywhere, in fact it has taken over the house. Unfortunately I am not as organised as some people, so many quilts are adorning the floor or are hung on every available wall...and this is just a selection, because some of this is just too messy.

So, I am linking up with Lily Pad Quilting-Go to Jail to showcase that I am indeed a quilter and to have a look at some of the other links. I believe there is also a giveaway at the end of the week...good fun!



  1. Beautiful quilts and projects! You are definitely guilty....of being a quilter!

  2. Lovely work! Guilty as charged!

  3. Oh yeah you're a quilter too! Great projects! Love that one in the top row on the right!

  4. Great proof! Sponge Bob gave me a giggle! :-)

  5. I love your quilts, you have a beautiful home!

  6. Lovely projects there Karin. You are definitely guilty of being a quilter!

  7. Wonderful display of quilts Karin! Definitely and hands down a quilter lives in your home!

  8. Great quilts Karin and the cat looks very comfortable.

  9. You have a calico, too! Aren't they wonderful? And Sponge Bob is just too fun. :D Trust me, I did some creative framing in my photo takes!! heh!~

  10. Oh, yes, you are a quilter -- a prolific quilter! Thanks for sharing.


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