Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Let's Do Some Ruler Work #2

Welcome to the Ruler Linky Party #2

I would like to thank the quilters that linked up a fortnight ago. We had Rosemary from The Knitting Quilter showing us how some simple repetitive designs can lift your quilt to the next level
No photo description available.
And then there was Susan from Quilt Fabrication providing a fantastic tutorial on Chicken Wire Quilting which I bookmarked.
Chicken Wire Quilting tutorial
Also participating was @camapleleaf on Instagram who is participating in Natalia Bonner's 'Let's Stitch a Block a Day'
I have been aware of Natalia's QAL and have been loosely following it, but not stitching the designs out or always watching the tutorials so it was great to go through @camapleleafs account to see the designs stitched out...if you have time, go and have a look, beautifully stitched out!

Anyway, I have been re-acquainting myself with my Pfaff Quilt Expression 4.2 in terms of ruler quilting. My HQ Sweet 16 is sold and I am patiently waiting for the new Capri machine. It's been about 2.5 yrs since I last quilted with rulers on a domestic machine, so I will share a little bit about what I use and how I set my machine up. First and foremost, you need a level surface. I can sink my machine into the cupboard so that it is level with the table which is extremely helpful and I also  use a Supreme Slider to ensure I can move my fabric around with ease.
You need a ruler foot...I use the Clarity Ruler foot from Accents In Design. I previously wrote about this foot HERE...I prefer it to other feet on the market, but this is just my personal preference. I believe that there is now a Pfaff Ruler foot on the market but since I had the HQ Sweet 16 I obviously did not purchase that. Here is what my ruler foot looks like
The foot attaches with ease once you take the shank off and all that needs to be done is centering the needle and adjusting the height of the foot
Love this foot...gave me absolutely no trouble and the stitches were fine. 
So I stitched out 2 of Natalia's designs today...a bit wobbly as I am not used to stitching with rulers on the domestic machine anymore but overall quite good
The left was today's 'Spin' block - Day 255 and the right is my all-time favourite block that I used in one of my quilts. So easy to do and so effective. 

What have you been working on?


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for mentioning my blog in your post! I love Natalia's designs. You did a great job. I love her work. I'm really enjoying your linky party. So fun!


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